"Yeah, the girl's name is weird"

Jing Sheng really felt that way, Feng Qining's name is quite good, why did her friend choose such a name?

"Hehe, it was my elder brother who helped me, he said that I am very suitable for this name"

Having said that, Mei Sha was unwilling to say more, seeing that she didn't really want to talk, Jing Sheng and the girl didn't ask any more.

After going down the mountain, it was dark. [

"Girl, son, it's getting dark, if you don't mind, you can stay at my house for one night"

Mei Sha looked at the sky, the inn should not be closed yet, she refused: "No need, all my things are in the inn"

"But the inn is closed at this time."

Their place is a small town, not a big place. At this time, everyone closed their doors to sleep, and no one came out to shop at all.

Mei Sha never expected such a situation, in the imperial capital, Feng Qining took her to go shopping at this time.

"The girl must be from a big place. In a small place like ours, it's closed at this time. I think you'd better stay at my house for one night."

The girl warmly invited her, and when Mei Sha went back at this time, there must be a lot of rejections. Even if she could jump in through the window, what about the food? She still needs to eat, right?

"And girl, you haven't eaten yet. If you don't want to stay, at least eat something before you leave."

Mei Sha finally nodded, it's fine if she didn't say it, she also felt hungry when she said that.

"I'm hungry too"

Feng Qining said to Murongli in a low voice, it's no fun to be with her for a day, she hasn't eaten anything yet, she's already hungry.

"Go back when you're hungry, I guess there's nothing to see."

Murong Li's proposal was agreed by Feng Qining, and she glanced at him appreciatively: "Li beauty, you finally said something right."

Murong Li shook her head, when did he only get one sentence right?Most of the time what he said is right, okay?

Feng Qining naturally has something to eat here, Yichu and the others have already gone back to prepare.

Two figures floated in from the window, and Feng Qining and Murong Li appeared steadily in front of them.

"Finally back"

Feng Yu didn't care about them, picked up the food in front of her and ate first.

"Second brother, you are too mean, how can you eat first?" [

See what she said?Feng Yu pointed to the sky outside to her: "Look at what time it is, I'm already starving to death."

Feng Qi groaned and sat down, Yi Chu shook her head, this group of people, it's always like this, but it's very lively.

"By the way, is there anything fun in the back?"

Zong Zhengxuan looked at Feng Qining expectantly, and Feng Qining shook her head: "No, I thought Xiaobai would show up, but I couldn't even see his shadow, do you think it's annoying?"

Feng Qining had a feeling of hating iron for being weak, how could he miss the opportunity that was finally created for him?

"Could it be that he doesn't know?"

Yichu guessed, Feng Qining swallowed the food in her mouth: "Sleeping, sleeping, sleeping all day, how would he know?"

She wondered if he was reincarnated from a pig, why did he sleep besides sleep?Why didn't she realize that he was so sleepy before?

"Could it be that he doesn't like bewitching at all?"

Feng Qining gave Feng Han a sideways look, she was like a crow, if he didn't like it, why did he come out?

"I agree with what the third brother said"

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