Feng Ye also stood by Feng Han's side: "Maybe it's because your offer was too tempting, so he agreed."

What they said made Feng Qining start to think. She knew that Feng Bai could do such a thing. If it was her, she would do the same. This is called making full use of available resources.

But can he guarantee that she won't be angry?In a fit of rage, she could do anything.

"You will not"

Murong Li seemed to understand what she was thinking, and said calmly, she is not only Feng Qining, but also the queen of a country, when Feng Bai launches a war, even if he loses, she will still It made them restless, and for the sake of the country and the people, she would not act rashly. [

"I will send someone to kill him"

The corners of Feng Qining's lips curved beautifully, she would definitely kill him before he started the war.

"Okay, don't think too much about it, it's just speculation. I think Xiaobai also has feelings for Mei Sha, otherwise he wouldn't agree so quickly. As for whether it is true, let's see if it is enough?"

Yi Chu comforted him at the side, Feng Bai has changed a lot in the past two years, he is not like that kind of villain, now he doesn't need to use his feelings, besides, it is really his loss if he misses the killing.

The benefits of being able to find a good queen are unimaginable, look at Feng Qining, she can help Murongli with many things, how much trouble Murongli has saved.

If he married a bunch of concubines into the palace like Zong Zhengxuan, then there would be constant ministers wanting to send their daughters in.

For those concubines, he wanted to send people to watch them, so as not to let them cause any major incidents, because it was necessary to balance the relationship between the ministers in the court, and Zong Zhengxuan and Feng Bai did just that.

In fact, this is the reason why ancient emperors married concubines. They didn't want to marry, but if it was beneficial to marry, they would marry. There was no liking, only benefits.

This kind of Murong Li is very rare, and you may not meet one in a hundred years, so Meisha said that not everyone will be as lucky as Feng Qining, and not everyone will be as lucky as Murong Li. So bold.

That man can give up everything for Feng Qining. He doesn't love Jiangshan and beauties. Not everyone can be that crazy. Who wouldn't want a great Jiangshan?

As for Feng Bai, when Meisha asked him at the beginning, he never thought about that question at all. She didn't expect him to be like Murong Li, but at least think about it, he didn't even think about it, how could this make her not disappointed? Woolen cloth?

"I'm very glad that I'm here now. If he dares to deceive Mei, I will definitely wring his head off and use it as a stool."

Murderous intent flashed in Feng Qining's eyes, and a terrifying aura exuded from her whole body.

"Okay, don't always be like this, you have to be gentle, otherwise how can you care for your husband and teach your children?"

Feng Ye educated Feng Qining, he didn't understand at all, is this still his sister?Why did my younger sister, who was so reluctant to kill ants, become so scary now?

"Brother, I'm not gentle in the first place. Besides, Li Meiren likes me like this, don't you, Li Meiren?"

Murong Li kept nodding: "That's right, I only like Feng, no matter what she becomes"

How about it?Not bad right?Feng Qining looked at Feng Ye proudly, Feng Ye shook her head, forget it, they can do whatever they like.

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