His big brother has no status, and it's useless to say anything. He can't control them, and he has no way to control them.

"Okay, okay, we know that your husband and wife are loving, so don't provoke us bachelors."

Feng Yu said sourly, if she wasn't his sister, he would have snatched her here early in the morning, where would it be Murong Li's turn?

"Uh, brother, there are so many good women here, obviously you don't want to get married, why are you so sour?"

Feng Yu lowered her head to eat, and everyone shook their heads. She was full and didn't know the hunger, and she obviously didn't feel back pain when she was standing and talking. [

"The topic is too far away. Come back, we are talking about the issue of Meisha and Fengbai now. Why did you drag it to that side?"

Yichu was helpless, it was bad because there were so many people, if you said something, I would say something, but in the end the topic would go off track.

"That's right, let's get back to business. Do you think Xiaobai didn't know about Mei's trace?"

Feng Qi Ning frowned, that bastard is worse than her son, right?

"Mother, what are you talking about? What do you mean you won't be second to me?"

Lancer was depressed. In her heart, is he just that stupid?He's smarter now, why can't she see it?

"Believe me, I didn't mean anything else, I just said that you used to be stupid, but now you're smarter."

Yeah?Lancer looked at her suspiciously, why didn't he hear it?

"Yes, when did mother lie to you, don't you think so?"

Lancer shook his head, forget it, he didn't care about it anymore, she said that he didn't do it once or twice, and he couldn't care about anything.

"Didn't you let someone leak the news to him? How could he lose it?"

Murong Li also frowned, the two of them will have to fight for a long time, right?According to him, it's time to make a quick decision, and he will directly hire him, so it's okay to settle the killing?

"You think too much, can Meisha be such an obedient woman? If Xiaobai really does that, Meisha will definitely kill him"

According to her understanding of Meisha, she would rather be a lover than marry her in vain. Since she wants to be given a title, she must be given a dignified title. How could she be someone else's concubine? The concubine is a very beautiful concubine, and she doesn't want it either.

"Very strange woman, forget it, let's not talk about them, it's been a tiring day, let's take a rest"

After eating, everyone sat in various postures, Feng Qining nestled naturally on the couch, her black hair fell down her face, making her stunning face even fairer.

"Mother, why did your hair change back?"

Lancer finally found out what was wrong. Her hair had all turned white back then, how could it turn back?

"Oh, I don't know too much, it seems that the potion soaked too much, and then it became like this"[

Feng Qining lied, Lan Se's eyes were full of curiosity, he looked at Murong Li, didn't he say that there was no way to change back?Why can it change back now?

"Okay, don't ask any more questions. Anyway, it's a good thing to change back. Do you still miss my beauty and white hair?"

Of course not, why would he think that way?

"Mother, I miss you very much."

Lan Se rushed towards Feng Qining, and when he was about to hug Feng Qining, Murong Li grabbed him.

"Attention, she is my wife."

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