In fact, she knows everything and sees it clearly than anyone else.

"You should put away the thoughts you shouldn't have, you can't hide it from Ning'er"

Zong Zhengxuan persuaded her, in fact, he didn't want to kill her, this is also a person with a hard life, she should be forgiven.

"Hmph, you all know how to attack me, why don't you blame you stinky men? If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have fallen to this point"

It's been a long time since that incident, but she still couldn't sleep. When she closed her eyes, all she saw was the man's disgusting appearance and debris all over the floor. That day was originally a very happy day, but as soon as she went out, Everything has changed. [

Afterwards, she told the truth, but her parents didn't want her anymore, and her fiancé didn't want her anymore. Every day something happened, she was ridiculed everywhere she went, and everyone looked down on her.

When she was looking for death, a senior rescued her. She taught her lightness kung fu and some self-defense skills. After so long, she still couldn't let go. She swore to her before she died , if she is still alive, she will definitely not let those stinky men go.

"But it's just a man who hurt you. Are you going to kill all the men in the world? There is a wrong and a debt. You put your hatred on others. What do you get?"

Feng Qining said in a very soft tone, that feather-like voice seemed to have the power to calm people's hearts, listening to such a soft voice, the woman's impetuous heart also slowly settled down.

"Turn back, if you are willing to reform, I am willing to give you a chance"

There was pain in the woman's eyes, she shook her head: "No, I can't let it go, I just want to kill all the men in the world, they all deserve to die"

Seeing her excited mood, Murong Li put the drug over her.

"No, it seems that we really have to solve her."

Zhang Kai raised his long sword, Murong Li stopped him: "Wait"

Everyone looked at Murong Li, what else could he do?This woman could tell from the first glance that she was stubborn, no matter what she said, she would never look back. Since she was going to hit the coffin, they will fulfill her.

"I'll erase that memory of her, it will be fine."

Feng Qining shook her head: "But she has committed crimes, what happened to the killing before?"

Looking at the survey results in her hand, Feng Qining shook her head, Zhu Chiniao stopped on her shoulder, after Feng Qining finished reading it, she handed it to Murong Li, looking at the content above, Murong Li's eyes flashed Cold light.

"What's the matter? Why do you all have that expression?"

Seeing the two people's expressions changed, Lan Se was surprised, Murong Li handed the note to him silently, after reading it, his face also became heavy.

Soon, the note was circulated among them.

"Ning'er, how did you get this information?"

Zong Zhengxuan looked at the paper in his hand, she had never been out, why did the news come so fast?

"Didn't the little one fly out just now?" [

Does it scout for news?Zong Zhengxuan looked at Zhu Chiniao in amazement, they all knew what it expressed, did the common people outside know?no?

"Where did you think? I let it help me pass the news, and I asked others to check it"

Zongzheng showed it off and scared him. He thought he couldn't understand, but those people outside knew it.

Doesn't that mean their IQs are too low?

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