How is this possible?It's impossible to think about it.

"Limei, what do you say?"

Murong Li frowned, he wanted to let her go, but he didn't expect her to be so perverted, no matter young or old, as long as she was a man, she would cause harm to her. During this time, she made people panic, so it was his idea to erase her memory.

But who can guarantee that one day she will not recover her memory?At that time, she may cause a bigger disaster.

"Forget it, let's settle it, I'll have someone escort her to Beijing, and then declare it to the world" [

This can be regarded as an explanation to the people, Zong Zhengxuan looked at him: "Murong, you are really smart"

This is also an opportunity to make meritorious deeds, catching the grass picker that everyone hates, so that the people no longer worry, just like the last time the prostitute was caught, no wonder the people of this country say that Murong Li is a wise king.

If the people wholeheartedly support him, then his position will be stable, and things like rebellion will not happen.

"Brother Emperor, why do I hear you say that with a sense of sarcasm? That is the honor that Murong deserves."

Besides, it didn't do them any harm.

"I know you are always on his side. I'm just talking casually, and I don't mean anything else."

Zong Zhengxuan shook his head, and sighed: "Oh, this younger sister doesn't love elder brother anymore, she only has her husband in her eyes"

Feng Qining stomped her feet, and Murong Li hurriedly stood up: "Enough is enough."

These two people are really a couple, everyone looked at them jealously, being watched by so many eyes, Feng Qining felt her back go numb.

"What are you doing?"

Feng Qining retreated behind Murong Li, she knew that their eyes were big, and her eyes were not small, but she couldn't bear to cross eyes with so many eyes.

"No, I just think it's too affectionate. In front of so many bachelors like us, it's easy to be jealous."

At this point, Yichu's words came to an end.

"You also know that when people are jealous, it is easy to do impulsive things"

Lan Se said the rest of Yichu's words. In fact, he was really kind. He just said Yichu's rest of the words for Feng Qining to listen to. There was no other meaning, but after Feng Qining heard it, she slapped To him: "Son, if you dare, I will kill you immediately"

Lan Se looked at Feng Qining depressedly, what did he do again?He didn't seem to do anything, why did she hit him again?

"Well, our topic is not this, we are this"

Zhang Kai pointed to the woman who fell on the ground, it was very late, should she be taken away now?

"Rimi, your business" [

Murong Li clapped his hands, two guards appeared in front of him, they were his personal body guards, he disliked them being in the way behind him, so he asked them to follow quietly.

Originally, he didn't intend to let them follow, but, Feng Qining said that letting them follow might be useful, but he didn't think it would really come in handy now.

"Take her back, Qiuhou Wenzhan, watch closely, if this person disappears, I will only ask you."


The two guards took him away, and after dealing with the matter, everyone fell asleep.

Holding Feng Qining in his arms, Murongli thought about what happened just now.

"Feng, it is indeed right to listen to what you said. It is good to bring a few people out."

That's natural, how could she say something bad!

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