Stretching out his big hand, Feng Bai was about to grab Meisha's hand, but Jing Sheng stopped him: "My lord, please be more polite."

"Go away, or don't blame me for being rude"

Meisha's long legs swept across, and Feng Bai fell to the bag network

Feng Bai looked at Meisha with fire in his eyes, why did this woman move so fast again?Also, he even forgot to beware of her. [

"What me? This is just a lesson for you, I don't know you, son, let's go"

Mei Sha grabbed Jing Sheng and left, seeing him, she didn't even have the appetite to eat breakfast, this kind of person is like the bad spirit that Feng Qi Ning said.

"Girl, you haven't eaten breakfast yet, here"

Jing Sheng handed her a steamed bun, looking at the steamed stuffed bun, his charming eyes became strange.

She and him can only be regarded as meeting by chance. Before that, her attitude towards him was even bad. Why did he take care of her like this?Why do you want to help her like this?

"Did you ask for something? If so, tell me, I will help if I can"

For the sake of him helping her, she will help him too.

"Girl, you are not a god, what can I ask for? I told you that there are not so many bad people in the world, and there is no need to get anything in return for helping others. I just see that it is not easy for you as a girl to live outside."

"Then according to what you said, if you change someone else, you will help too?"

Jing Sheng shook his head, he looked at her seriously: "Not everyone I can help, just like not everyone I want to be friends with her"

He just thought she was worth helping.

"Anyway, it's fate that we met. Besides, I also treat a girl as a friend. If a friend is in trouble, of course I help."

Jing Sheng's words made the corners of Meisha's lips curl up, but there was no emotion in her eyes, the eyes were so deep that Jing Sheng didn't know what she was thinking.

This woman is really similar to Feng Qining, if they want others to know, then their eyes will show it, on the other hand, if they don't want to, they won't show it.

"You are really strange, I still treat you as a stranger, but you treat me as a friend"

Could it be that people in ancient times were so wary?But why didn't she meet it?

"To make friends, naturally one party needs to take the initiative."

With that said, Jing Sheng handed the steamed buns to Meisha again: "Girl, if you don't eat it, the steamed buns will be cold."

Meisha finally took it over, her eyelids lowered: "You know what? Many people covet my beauty, but you, I can't see my reverie from your eyes, I think, you should be trustworthy" [

She finally tried to believe him, as he said, there are not as many bad people in the world as she imagined, and, before she came out, Feng Qining told her that to find happiness, one must try to accept others.

That person really understands her very well. People sometimes feel very tired, and life is very boring. It is nothing more than lack of friends, too many burdens, and no one to share.

She came out to find happiness this time because she wanted to live a life she had never thought of.

"Girl, if you say that, then we will be friends in the future?"

Jing Sheng's eyes lit up, if this is really the case, then he will have an answer to Feng Qining.

"Wrong, we can only be regarded as ordinary friends"

Meisha deliberately emphasizes the ordinary, but this can't take away Jingsheng's happiness.

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