Ordinary friends are just ordinary friends, it’s better not to be stronger than friends.Fiction Rankings
Feng Bai was knocked down to the ground by Meisha, ridiculed by the people next to him, he stood up angrily, damned woman, he will repay this revenge sooner or later, she just wait.

Seeing her and Jing Sheng go out, Feng Bai couldn't sit down, and besides, it was his fault in the first place.

Thinking back to Feng Qining's words, those people knew about him coming out this time, so he must take Mei Sha back, if he can't take her back, then he doesn't have to go back.

Even if you go back, you will be ridiculed by them, so why not stay here. [

Thinking about it, thinking about it, Feng Bai still thinks that it is more practical to chase Meisha back, otherwise this lonely man and widow will spark what kind of flames will be sparked when they are together.

When Feng Qining and her gang received the news and dared to come, Mei Sha and Jing Sheng had already left the inn, and Feng Qining, who missed the good show, was a little depressed.

"It's really annoying, such a good scene, the people in the inn are cheap"

Obviously she directed the play, why didn't she see it?

"Okay, don't be depressed, the next one will definitely be more exciting, and the entanglement between these three people won't end immediately, by the way, look at the one in front?"

Following Murong Li's gaze, Feng Qining saw the furtive Feng Bai.

"What is he doing there?"

Feng Qining tried her best to look forward, but there were people coming and going in front of her, and she couldn't see anything, even if there was someone there.

Could it be that Meisha is ahead?

"I think it's better for us to hide, or if he finds out, wouldn't that be bad luck?"

As soon as Yichu said this, everyone found a place to hide. He pointed at them, these people really have no conscience, he came up with such a good idea, they just don't appreciate it, and they actually abandoned him.

Feng Bai looked back, Feng Qining was glad that she hid herself, otherwise, wouldn't she have been seen by him?

"By the way, where is Mei?"

"Isn't it?"

Zong Zhengxuan pointed out to her that Mei Sha and Jing Sheng were swimming in the lake.

"Those two are quite romantic. They are actually swimming in the lake. What is Xiaobai doing? Why didn't you snatch Mei back?"

Feng Qining hates the way that iron cannot be made into steel. Could it be that he is a vegetarian?Such a small matter can't be done, wrong, this is not a small matter, this is a big matter of chasing his wife, his wife is snatched away, and he will only watch from the sidelines, is he really Feng Bai?

Feng Qining didn't know, it wasn't that he was willing to watch from above, but that he was late and couldn't find the boat for a while, so he could only be anxious.

"Young master, we found the boat" [

The follower came to report that his face was dripping with sweat, and he didn't know what day it was. All these people came out to swim in the lake, and it was difficult to get a boat.

"Is this what you call a ship?"

Looking at the dilapidated boat, Feng Bai's face changed, and the attendant felt a gust of cold wind blowing out of thin air.

"My lord, my lord, I can only find such a boat, there is nothing else but this one"

After finishing speaking, the entourage looked at Jing Sheng and Mei Sha who were going further and further away, didn't he intend to catch up?Could it be that he just let those two go further and further?There is a good chance that something will happen in that moment.

"You trash"

Feng Bai kicked over, and the follower was kicked by him and hit the tree, with stars constantly appearing on his head, he couldn't recover for a long time.

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