Feng Bai didn't care what happened to him, he grabbed him and threw him on the boat, the rickety boat finally made the follower react.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
"My lord, my lord, where are we going now?"

This idiot, stupid donkey, Fengbai's fan hit him on the head: "Didn't you notice? We are sitting on a boat now, of course we are swimming in the lake?"

Tracking is tracking, and it sounds so nice.

"Young master, there are only two of us, who will row the boat?" [

Finally got to the point, Feng Bai handed the oar to him: "Of course it's you, do you want me to row?"

"Young master? Shall I paddle?"

The attendant shouted in disbelief, the young master did not make a mistake, did he?If you ask him to come, he won't at all. If something happens to him, how can he afford it?

"If you keep talking to me, believe it or not, I will throw you into the lake to feed the fish?"

Shut up your followers quickly, even if you come out, Feng Bai's temper will still not change.

"But son, I really can't do it!"

Even if it was death, the follower felt that he had to explain clearly, otherwise, he might be even more dead after a while.

"I tell you, whether you can or not, you have to row for me, otherwise I will throw you down now"

Feng Bai pointed to the lake, looked at the bottomless lake water, closed his eyes, forget it, just die, anyway, he was the one who told him.

"What is Xiaobai doing there?"

Seeing that Feng Bai was just standing on the boat, Feng Qining, who had no intention of rowing, was a little anxious. Can this person be a little faster?Does he really want his wife to be robbed?

"Didn't he let that entourage row the boat, but I think he certainly won't"

Murong Li watched gloatingly, looking forward to the development of the following things.

"How do you know that he can't? Maybe he is a master."

Zong Zhengxuan retorted.

"Hey, why are you discussing that? Look at the shabby boat he was riding in, so he probably has no money?"

Yichu looked at Fengbai's boat, and said worriedly, even if he looked at it from a distance, he felt that the boat was crumbling, why would he dare to sit on it?Isn't he afraid of falling into the lake?

"Who knows, maybe it's his hobbies or not. According to me, it's better if he falls into the lake, maybe Meisha will come to save him."

Lancer's eyes are full of anticipation. The development of this plot requires stimulation. It's always so dull. When it's cooked in warm water, when will it be cooked? [

"You are really the emperor and the eunuchs are not in a hurry"

Zhang Kai rolled his eyes, seeing them like that, they were really more impatient than Xiaobai, they were not in a hurry, why were they so anxious?

"You can't say that, you should say that Xiaobai is not in a hurry and his friends are in a hurry."

Feng Yu corrected him, Feng Han and Feng Ye looked at this group of people, they didn't say anything, they were the best spectators, they just watched quietly from the side, and didn't express their opinions.

That attendant really didn't lie to Feng Bai, he really didn't know how to row a boat, he saw the boat circled around in place a few times, but still hadn't moved forward, Feng Bai really wanted to let it go again.

"What are you doing? I asked you to row a boat, not to circle in place"

The follower looked at him aggrieved, and he didn't want to circle in place, but he really couldn't.

"Young master, I'm already paddling, but I really can't"

Hearing his words, Feng Bai finally couldn't bear it any longer, he kicked the entourage's butt, and the entourage drew a beautiful parabola in the air.

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