With a "plop", the follower fell into the lake. www>

Feng Qining looked at him sympathetically, how unlucky he was, having found such a master, if he followed her, wouldn't his life be much easier?

Feng Qining completely forgot that if she got angry, she would be much more terrifying than Feng Bai, besides, which one around her can't know martial arts?How could she keep one with no martial arts by her side?

After kicking that follower into the water, Feng Bai didn't care about him, he planned to support himself, asking for others is better than asking for himself.

It's just that his result was not much better than that of the entourage. The boat kept turning in circles in place, and because he used more strength, the circle turned faster. [

"Uh, I don't think he can do it."

Then there is no way, it is simply no way, looking at him like that, it seems that there is a possibility of falling at any time.

"Mother, should we help him?"

help for what?Feng Qining slapped it, Xiaobai is such a smart person, they made a move at this time, didn't they let him find out?How could she do such a stupid thing?

"Didn't you say that he can't do it? Since he can't do it, of course we have to help."

Lancer looked at her aggrieved, she said everything, she just thought of a solution, what's wrong?

"You are stupid, people are chasing their wives, what are you meddling in? Isn't that making trouble?"

It's not bad to make trouble, he likes to make trouble very much.

"You take back any thoughts you shouldn't have, and I'll tell you that we can just watch the show on the sidelines, and never intervene unless we have to."

Sometimes they want to help, but the more they help, the more help they get, so the best thing is to do nothing, just watch from the sidelines, and they can do whatever they like.

Lancer nodded, he understood.

"Tell me, is Xiaobai really an idiot? He already hired a boat, why didn't he hire a boatman?"

Murong Li rubbed her chin in puzzlement.

"What do you know? You see that everyone else rowed by themselves. I think there are only boats and no boatmen here."

Yichu looked at the people in front, they were all men rowing their own boats with their favorite women, how could he bring a boatman?Isn't that with a light bulb?

"But he didn't go on a cruise with the woman he likes or loves? Why can't he?"

Zong Zhengxuan was also standing by Murong Li's side. If he had hired a boatman, he would no longer be circling on the spot, and he might have caught up long ago.

"You two stubborn cows, I won't tell you, it doesn't make sense"

Yichu's words drew Zongzheng, Zongzhengxuan and Murongli's glaring glances, what did he say?Make it clear to them. [

"Okay, why are you arguing? If it's okay, let me watch the show quietly."

Feng Qining felt helpless towards them, they were all big men, how could they quarrel when they were doing well, there was really nothing they could do about it.

"Look, he can row"

Zhang Kai's words made everyone look forward again, only to see that Feng Bai could really row the boat away.

"Actually, I'm not very optimistic about him. I think he will definitely fall when he walks halfway."

The tone of Yichu's words was very strange, I don't know if he was gloating or worried about him.

"Go ahead, I won't tell Xiaobai what you say anyway."

Feng Qining looked at the front, but she didn't say anything, in fact, she wasn't optimistic about Feng Bai either.

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