He is just a rookie, Jing Sheng is a veteran, even if he can row, Jing Sheng and Mei Sha will not know where they are.

When Feng Bai was working hard, a boat stopped in front of him, and Feng Bai raised his head.

"What? Come rowing by yourself? It looks like you are rowing for the first time."

Feng Bai ignored him and continued to row his own boat, but his boat blocked in front of him, Feng Bai was so angry.

"Good dogs don't get in the way, get out of the way quickly"[

Otherwise, don't blame him for being rude, Feng Bai's eyes are bottomless, and they are somewhat compelling and sharp under the sun.

"What if I say I won't let you?"

The man winked at the boatman, the boatman nodded, and saw that he rowed the boat across without fear of death, and the two boats collided.

Feng Qining, who was watching from a distance, looked at each other, as if they didn't quite understand what happened.

"What's the matter? Isn't someone looking for trouble?"

"That's right, it looks like someone is looking for trouble"

Murong Li took pleasure in other people's misfortune, Feng Bai was so proud that he couldn't row a boat now, and Mei Sha followed Jing Sheng away, so he must be suffocating, and then, there are still people coming to make trouble, I don't know what will happen to him.

Feng Bai tried his best to hold the boat steady, so he didn't fall off, otherwise he would be unlucky.

"Haha, not bad, I have some ability, but it's fun"

The man laughed loudly, and then watched from the side. Feng Bai gave him a sharp look, which made the man's smile freeze.

Such powerful eyes, he is a little scared, what is he planning to do?

Feng Bai really wanted to make trouble for him, but now he only wanted to find Meisha, and he planned to row the boat aside to bypass him when he had no time to take care of him.

I don't know if he was in a hurry or just got angry. He just mastered a little skill and forgot again. The boat circled in place again.

"Hahaha, look at how stupid he is. If he doesn't know how to row a boat, he can't do it. He still insists on rowing. Hey, boy, I think you should go back obediently, and don't embarrass yourself here."

Feng Bai clenched his fists tightly, he swears that no one has ever dared to laugh at him like that when he grew up so big, who is this person who is not afraid of death.

"Oh, don't say that. You see, he's here alone, and there's no girl with him. It's definitely not the reason. We just know it. Don't laugh at him."

Feng Bai's face was livid, he couldn't bear it, there was no need to bear it any longer, since they sent it to his door, then he would not be polite.

I saw him flying up, and his figure swayed by. Before those people realized what was going on, they fell into the lake. Feng Bai's sword was placed on the boatman's neck: "If you don't want to die, just Be obedient"

"Don't kill me, I will do whatever you ask me to do." [

The boatman was so frightened that his thighs trembled. Who could not be afraid at the critical moment of life and death?

"I don't need you to do anything, you just need to row the boat obediently, hurry up, don't play tricks on me, or I won't spare you."

The boatman nodded, and those people who laughed at Feng Bai just now kept flopping at the bottom of the river, Feng Bai sneered: "You guys take your time soaking in the river water, I'm leaving"

"Don't go, help, help, I can't swim."

The girls on the boat huddled together in fear. This man was handsome, but he was terrifying. Looking at his eyes, he didn't mean to kill them, did he?

"Go over there."

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