The boatman hurriedly rowed there, Meisha was sitting on the boat, Jing Sheng was rowing, for some reason, suddenly there was a very warm atmosphere.

"I can't tell, your technique is not bad"

Jing Sheng was very happy when he received the compliment from Love Killer: "That's natural, I don't know how many times I've crossed over."

There was ambiguity in Meisha's eyes: "What? Listen to what you mean, you seem to often take girls to go boating? I don't know which one I am"

no?What does this boating have to do with taking girls out to play? [

Jing Sheng smiled awkwardly: "Girl, don't make fun of me. What I mean is that I often walk outside, and sometimes I have to cross the lake. Without a boat, I can only figure out my own way. It's been a long time in this world, so naturally will be rowing”

What he said aroused Meisha's interest. She used to watch other people walk the rivers and lakes on TV, but now that she came to the rivers and lakes herself, she didn't know what the rivers and lakes were like.

"Hey, let me ask you, if there is no boat, then why do you cross the river?"

Did he swim over?He wouldn't do something stupid like that, would he?If the river were bigger, wouldn't he have to drown?

"Hehe, Miss Mei, my surname is Jing Mingsheng, I don't call you hello. Also, if there is no boat, there are trees. To be honest, I used to use trees to cross the river."

This method was taught by Feng Qining, he didn't believe it at first, but after trying it, he found it very useful.

"Tree? Are you standing still?"

Meisha looked at him suspiciously, the trees are round and round, although they can float in the river, they are still easy to fall.

Jing Sheng found that this woman's mind was not as good as Feng Qining's. If Feng Qining had said it, she must have known it when he said it, and she couldn't do it.

But yes, how many smart women like Feng Qining can be found in the world?There is a good chance that there will never be a second one.

"Looking at your expression, do you miss your lover?"

The charming voice pulled Jing Sheng back from his trance, and he shook his head: "I also want to have a lover, but I don't have one."

No?Only ghosts would believe him, Meisha looked at him in disbelief.

"The girl can't help it if she doesn't believe it. Think about it, if I really have a lover, why am I alone now?"

This makes sense, but there is another situation.

"Maybe your parents have arranged it for you. You men are like this. Now that you have a wife at home, you still like to flirt outside. If you like it, you can marry it and be a concubine at home."

Speaking of this, her eyes were gloomy. This world is not something she can change if she wants to. That man also said that he married her back as a concubine.

Hmph, who is she obsessed with?How could she go back with him as a concubine?

"Girl, don't get me wrong, I'm not that kind of person, I really don't have any ladies waiting for me in my family"

Jing Sheng's eyes were very serious, as if telling Mei Sha that Jing Sheng is definitely not that kind of person, Mei Sha smiled relaxedly: "Don't be so nervous, I'm just asking, there's no other meaning."

Even if there is, it's none of her business, she has no position to blame him, this society is like this.

"Where does the girl live? Why do you come out alone?"

Home?The corners of Meisha's lips curled up, and that smile was slightly bitter.

"Home? I don't have a home. When I come out this time, I just want to find a home and find my own happiness."

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