Feng Qining and the others who were watching from a distance had half sympathy and half gloating in their eyes. If their eyes weren't dazzled, the broom seemed to be sweeping the pigsty.

"Feng Bai won't be able to wash himself clean if he doesn't take a bath for two days"

Murong Li came to a conclusion with certainty, everyone looked at him with contempt, what time was it, and they still cared about taking a bath.

"Don't blame him, he has a clean freak"

Feng Qining excused Murong Li, and Murong Li glared at them, originally, if this clean freak doesn't think about that, what else can he think about? [

"I think it's still a question of whether he's alive or not"

Feng Yu prayed, his little life can't be left here, otherwise wouldn't he die unjustly?

"Don't worry, he won't die"

Feng Ye watched with a smile on his face, there are so many of them here, how could he die?Even if he has only one breath, Murong Li will pull him back from the gate of hell.

"Brother, I'm really not a pig thief. I was tied up here, and I'm still waiting for you to rescue me. As for the collapsed pigsty, at worst, I will pay you money."

Feng Bai's words made the man stop.

"Is what you said true?"

There was still suspicion in his tone.

"Of course it's true, look at what I'm wearing, I don't want to be someone without money."

I didn't look carefully just now, but now I see that he is indeed wearing expensive clothes, which are very valuable at first glance.

God of Wealth, that person's eyes have changed, and his attitude has changed 180 degrees.

"My lord, I'm sorry, I don't know Taishan, I offended you just now, don't blame me, don't blame me!"

The man nodded and bent down begging Feng Bai for forgiveness, Feng Bai rolled his eyes: "I'm still tied up, why don't you forgive me or not, please quickly untie me, then I'll forgive you"

"Okay, okay, I'll untie you right away"

The man quickly untied him, Feng Bai's clothes were a bit torn by him, and his face was dirty, but fortunately, he didn't hurt his face, otherwise he would be disfigured.

"Young master, do you see?"

That man looked at him attentively, he should know what he wanted, he didn't want to keep him like this, he almost stinks to death.

"Okay, here you are"

Feng Bai took out an ingot of silver from his body, he was glad that Mei Sha was not like Feng Qining who was greedy for money, he just tied him here and did not take away his silver. [

If it were Feng Qining who was greedy for money, he would definitely take all the money from him and let him live on the street.

Feng Bai shook the goosebumps on his body, and he began to rejoice again, fortunately, he didn't marry that terrible woman Feng Qining, who is abominable, but still cuter than that woman.

"Mei is so stupid, I should have taken all the money from him, the show would have been better that way."

Sure enough, as Feng Bai expected, Feng Qining said that, listening to his words, Murong Li and the others exchanged glances, but remained silent.

Before he could leave, Feng Bai quickly slipped away. With his appearance, he was neither human nor ghost, if he was seen by acquaintances, wouldn't he be laughed to death?

When Feng Bai went back, the treatment he got was the same as Feng Qining's before. Those mistresses treated him as a beggar and wanted to drive him out. Feng Bai also followed Lancer's example, and handed over a silver coin, and the mistress finally believed it.

Feng Qining watched all this with bent eyes, it was so much fun, all the suffering she suffered in the past is now retribution on Feng Bai.

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