"Limei, do you think Xiaobai has done something wrong to me, so he wants to suffer from what I have suffered before?"

Feng Qining asked Murongli with a smile. From her expression, it can be seen that she is in a good mood now.

"He is not sorry for you, he is sorry for Meisha, so he is suffering now"

Too smart, Feng Qining agreed, who made him offend Meisha, and who made him stupid?She reminded him as early as when he came, but he didn't remember her words, so he deserved it.

When Feng Bai returned to the inn, he went to find Meisha as soon as he changed his clothes. Even after taking a shower, he could still smell the unpleasant smell. [

But he couldn't care less, he wanted to find that dead woman now, and he wanted to teach her a lesson.

But the shopkeeper told Feng Bai that Mei Sha had already left.

"What are you doing so far away from me?"

Looking at him like that, Feng Bai's face turned dark. He can despise himself, but others cannot despise him.

The shopkeeper pointed at him: "Guest officer, I'll tell Xiao Er to bring you another bucket of bath water."

The shopkeeper thought he was expressing his meaning in a tactful manner, and Feng Bai's face turned black.

But he didn't say anything, turned around and left. Although the shopkeeper's words were not pleasant, they were correct. He really needed to take a good bath now.

Back in the room, Feng Bai closed the door heavily, his face was pitch black, and the top of his head was about to smoke. Damn you, damn woman, she just prayed, don't let him find her, otherwise he won't let her go she.

After seeing Feng Bai entered the inn, Feng Qining and her gang left, if they didn't leave at this time, what are they waiting for, are they still waiting for Feng Bai to find out?

"Feng, where are we going next?"

Murong Li looked at her, now she is the center of everyone, they will go wherever she says.

"Look where Mei is"

Feng Qining looked at the Zhu Chiniao above her, and the Zhu Chiniao hovered above her head, Feng Qining told her not to come down, what a joke, there are huts next to it, if it comes down at this time, do you want the next house ?

Let's go, ready to go.

Sitting in the carriage, Feng Qining was sitting on the couch, she was lazily looking at the scenery outside, the scenery is really beautiful, but unfortunately the sun is too big, if it is riding a horse, it might be hot to death.

The carriage is very big, so many people sitting in it don't look crowded, Murong Li and Yi Chu, Zong Zhenghao, Feng Han are playing chess, Feng Qi is watching the scenery, Lan Se is playing with tigers and leopards, Feng Yu and Zhang Kai are talking .

Zhu Chiniao was flying above the carriage, leading the driver.

"Little □□, don't fly so fast"

Zhu Chiniao heard it, and slowed down. Feng Qining slowly admired the scenery on both sides. She deliberately chose a road that Feng Bai would not take, and she deliberately waited for him to leave before setting off. [

The carriage was prepared early in the morning, and the carriage was pulled by four hard-earned BMWs. This carriage was particularly cool.

Suddenly, two beauties, one blue and one pink, stopped in front of the carriage.

"Master, Ruoxue and Ruowu are here"

Why are they here?Feng Qining lifted the curtain, and sure enough, Ruoxue and Ruowu knelt in front of the carriage.

"Master, we have captured someone"

Ruoxue raised her hand, and a man who was tied up immediately fell from above.

Seeing that person clearly, Feng Qining's eyes narrowed, and the corners of her lips curled up.

"What are you doing?"

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