Feng Qining looked at the bound jade-faced young master, she told him not to lift, would he still harm other young girls?

"Master, this man has been pestering me all this time, and I heard that he also finds trouble with other women"

It's still like this, Feng Qining got down from the carriage, she was dressed in men's clothing today, she jumped lightly, and stopped in front of Mr. Yumian.

Looking at Feng Qining dressed in men's clothing, Mr. Yumian finally understood why her subordinates called her young master. This person, pretending to be a man, is really indistinguishable.

"It seems that you are not willing to lose your life, are you?" [

Feng Qining opened the fan, and walked out with that suave and suave appearance, who stunned many girls.

"I can't tell, you still look like a man when you pretend to be a man"

Feng Qining snorted coldly: "You didn't know where you were when I dominated the martial arts world."

This familiar face and arrogant words reminded Mr. Yumian of a person who had disappeared for a long time.

Fifth Young Master Feng!

"Fifth Young Master Feng?"

Be careful, Young Master Yumian called out tentatively, Ruoxue let go of it: "Did someone like you just call you the name of Young Master?"

Feng Qining put away her fan: "That's right, it's been so long, there are still people who remember this young master, but do you know what will happen to those who see this young master?"

Feng Qining took out the big knife that had not been used for a long time, it was going to rust after not being used for so long.

Young Master Yumian opened his eyes wide, he never imagined that the person in front of him would be Fifth Young Master Feng, let alone that he was so unlucky to meet him.

Who can tell him whether the fifth young master is a woman or the queen of a country?This thing is really too unreal.

"Don't believe it, the fact is like this, well, since you don't want to give life, then you want to die."

Feng Qining chopped it down with a knife, and the jade-faced young man's head fell to the ground, and the smell of blood filled the air. The people inside ran out after smelling the smell of blood, and were relieved to see that Feng Qining was fine.

"Ning'er, you don't need to take care of that scumbag."

Lan Se looked at Feng Yu who was talking, can he tell him who is that person on the ground?Why did mother want to kill him?

"I see that my knife has not been used for a long time. I don't know if it is still sharp, so I sacrificed it. Now it seems that it is still very useful. Well, it's none of your business now."

Feng Qining waved her hands, but Ruoxue and Ruowu hadn't left yet.

"Master, can we go with you?"

Feng Qining looked at them, they were easy to be recognized by others, and they were too eye-catching. [

"We can dress up, young master, just take us with you. I'm already tired of playing in the capital all day long."

Ruowu acted like a baby, Feng Qining thought for a while before saying: "It's fine to bring you along, but you have to go and put on your makeup first and show me, if I don't even recognize you, then you can naturally follow."

Ruoxue and Ruowu left happily, and soon they were ready, Feng Qining reluctantly let them follow, but there was no room for the carriage, so they could only follow the carriage on horseback,

Mei Sha and Jing Sheng both rushed on the road, they were really tired, so they planned to stop and take a rest.

"By the way, I haven't asked where you are going yet, so I just take you away like this, will it be inconvenient for you?"

Jing Sheng thought it was funny, after walking for so long, she just realized that it was inappropriate, isn't it too late?

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