"You don't really blame me for not talking, do you? I just remembered it suddenly. It shouldn't be too late."

Meisha was depressed, why would she take him with her?She didn't know him very well, and now that he was following her, she suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"Since I'm out with you, I'll go wherever you go. Anyway, I'm at home everywhere."

But she didn't want him to follow me, suddenly there was an unreasonable follower by her side, she was a little uncomfortable no matter what.

"Looking at the girl like that, it seems that she doesn't like me following you, doesn't she? Well, if the young master from before saw me, wouldn't I be dead?" [

Meisha couldn't stand it and looked at him: "Okay, don't act like that, and follow you if you don't, can I still drive you away?"

Jing Sheng looked at her happily, anyway, Feng Qining said, he just needs to follow Meisha and stimulate Feng Bai when he comes, that's all.

"By the way, girl, who was that son just now? It seems that he cares about you very much."

He cares about her?He is right?That scumbag was clearly here to provoke her, and he even said he cared about her, what the hell.

"It looks like he's here to persuade the girl to go back. Why does the girl hate him so much?"

Seeing that Meisha didn't go back, Jing Sheng kept asking, and at the end of the question, Meisha frowned impatiently: "Are you asking too much? That's my business, don't worry about it too much." "

Jing Sheng touched his nose boredly. Didn't Feng Qining say that this woman is very gentle and charming?This style is there, but where is the tenderness?He didn't even see a shadow.

Jing Sheng felt that he was stupid, who didn't believe what she said, but chose to believe Feng Qining, that person who could cheat as soon as she could, when would her words be trusted.

In fact, Feng Qining didn't tell Jing Sheng that Meisha's gentleness is for the dead, and her smile is like a poisonous poppy flower, so he should be happy that she treats him coldly now.

"Girl, are you thirsty? I'll look for it for you and see if there is any water nearby."

Jing Sheng went to find water, Mei Sha leaned against the tree, thinking about how she treated Feng Bai when she left, a smile appeared in Mei Sha's eyes, that sincere smile made her eyes shine like stars.

"Girl, here comes the water"

Mei Sha looked up, Jing Sheng saw her eyes, and his heart skipped half a beat just like that, it turned out that she smiled like this.

Mei Sha was waiting for his water, but he didn't expect him to stop halfway.

"What's the matter? Could it be that the acupoints were tapped?"

The latter sentence was talking to himself, Jing Sheng was still intoxicated by her smile just now, and hadn't recovered yet.

Mei Sha stood up, walked to his side, and patted him hard, Jing Sheng, who was in pain, came back to his senses.

"It turns out that you haven't been acupunctured, so why are you standing here without moving?"

Mei Sha snatched the water from his hand, Jing Sheng looked at the sky, and had an idea: "I, I'm looking at the little bird" [

bird?Mei Sha raised her head and looked at him suspiciously: "Where is there a bird here?"

"Ugh, just flew away"

She doesn't disdain, in fact, the little bird is not very tempting to her, if she can find a bird as smart as the vermilion bird, it would be great, but her luck is not as good as Feng Qining's.

That woman is so lucky to be enviable.

Meisha was actually thinking, should she buy a parrot to raise, a parrot would be the best.

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