If you teach that parrot to speak, maybe it will kill the phoenix to death.

"Mei girl?"

Jing Sheng yelled carefully, he was just an excuse for talking nonsense, why did she keep looking at the above?Didn't she think that there would really be a bird flying up there?Even so, it doesn't look like she likes birds like this.


Mei Sha came back to her senses, annoyance flashed in her eyes, what was she doing just now?She was in a daze, if an enemy came, wouldn't she be finished? [

"What were you looking at just now?"

Jing Sheng asked carefully, giving him a flirtatious glance, Jing Sheng shrunk his neck, he was just asking casually, could she be angry?

"I didn't look at anything, just to see if there is the little bird you mentioned"

no?She really looked at it, and was so engrossed in it?

"Miss Mei, do you like birds very much?"

Jing Sheng asked cautiously, seeing his careful look, a smile appeared on his charming face: "Young Master Jing, you seem to be very afraid of me?"

Is she that scary?Besides, she didn't seem to do anything to him, did she?

"Of course not, am I afraid of asking about things Miss Mei doesn't like?"

To put it bluntly, aren't you afraid of her getting mad?Mei Sha doesn't care, anyway, it's not one or two who are afraid of her, and it doesn't matter if there is one more him.

"Miss Mei, it's getting dark, should we continue our journey or take a rest?"

Mei Sha looked around, there was no shop in front of the village, where did he rest?Do you want her to sleep on the road?

"You can see a forest not far away, we can rest there at night"

forest?The first thing Mei Sha thought of was wild beasts, don't doubt, of course there were wild beasts in ancient times, she didn't believe there were none.

"Forget it, let's continue on our way."

See if you can touch someone's house before dark.

Facts have proved that Meisha's luck is good. When it was dark, they arrived in a village, and the two stayed overnight in an ordinary peasant family, but the tragedy was that there was only one room in that family.

What's more tragic is that they mistaken the two of them as husband and wife, which means that they will now live in the same room.

Meisha tried to explain, but the family didn't believe it and insisted that she and him were having a temper tantrum.

"There is no overnight feud between husband and wife, quarreling at the head of the bed and peace at the end of the bed, well, it's late at night, you should also rest"[

Throwing down such a sentence, the aunt left, leaving Meisha and Jingsheng staring at each other.

"I'll go out first, you go to sleep first"

Just as Jing Sheng was about to leave, Mei Sha grabbed his collar.

What is she going to do?He was planning to go out to sleep all night, why didn't she let him go?

"Don't even think about leaving, if you want to leave, you have to agree first before leaving"

Mei Sha dragged Jing Sheng into the house.

"Grandma, it's so late, what are you going to do if you don't sleep?"

Jing Sheng really doesn't understand her anymore, he has already given her the space, why is she still not satisfied?

"I want to sleep too, but should we agree first, should you sleep in the bed or me?"

So it was this problem, Jing Sheng said without thinking, "You are a girl, of course I let you, I will just sleep on the floor then."

Unexpectedly, he was quite an upright gentleman, his charming eyes froze, and after a while, the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

"Okay, I won't go out, you go to bed first, I'll be asleep in a while"

Meisha shrugged, and she didn't care about him after the assignment was made.

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