Feng Qining's group rested on a piece of grass. They brought food, and when they saw the weather was good, they barbecued on the spot.

Feng Qining didn't know how to cook or barbecue, so she just waited to eat.

"Ning'er, you said you don't know anything, if you go out by yourself, will you starve to death?"

Yi Chu honestly said what he thought in his heart. He thought about this question for a long time, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this might very well become a reality.

"You're starving, don't I bring biscuits?"[

Feng Qining took out big pancakes from her bosom, they couldn't be made ready-made, she usually ate dry food, and when she went to places with restaurants, she would have another good meal.

"That's right, you don't have to worry about mother, she will never starve to death, besides, Murong will also be by her side, if she doesn't know how to cook, it's fine if he knows"

That is, Feng Qining looked at Murongli's skillful technique, and she never thought that Murongli had really learned how to cook in the past few years, and that skill was comparable to that of the imperial chef.

"Well, I learned to cook to take care of her. Anyway, she will be taken care of by me in the future, and I will definitely raise her to be white and fat."

Feng Qining pursed her mouth, what, she said she was like a pig, she didn't need to be fat in vain.

"Feng, what are you looking at?"

Seeing Feng Qining looking up at the sky from time to time, Murong Li wondered, when did she become so fond of looking at the stars?Why doesn't he know?

"I'm watching for shooting stars"

The sky is full of stars, Feng Qining thought that if she was lucky, she might see shooting stars.

Although meteors are not always visible, but if you try your luck, you may not be able to see them.

"Meteor? Mother, what is a meteor?"

Lan Se sat down next to her, and Feng Qining snatched the things in his hand smoothly.

"Mother, I haven't eaten yet"

He intends to listen to her while eating, okay? How can she let her eat?

"A son should honor his mother. I remember I told you that a shooting star is a star that flies across the sky quickly."

Feng Qining said very simply, she remembered that she seemed to have told him, but they didn't remember, did she not?For a while, Feng Qining couldn't figure it out.

"A star that flies across quickly? Feng, do you see that?"

Murong Li pointed, Feng Qining only saw a little bit.

"Li Meiren, your luck is really good, I haven't seen it for a long time" [

Feng Qining was depressed, she looked here for a long time, but didn't see any of them, why did he meet them as soon as he raised his head?What kind of luck is he?

"I don't know, there will definitely be some in a while, and you will definitely be able to see it"

What he said was easy, did he think that meteors can be seen if they want to?Did he think too well?

"Then mother, are you still here to watch?"

Lan Se didn't understand, what happened to Feng Qining, she didn't seem like someone who would do such stupid things, and now she got lucky.

"Why do I have nothing to do now? What else can I do if I'm not here to look at the stars? Maybe I will meet them?"

In fact, she is really looking at the stars very simply, and then hopes that God can let her see one or two shooting stars.

"Why watch it? Is there any point?"

Yi Chu knew Feng Qining well, if it was useless, she wouldn't be so looking forward to seeing it.

"Brother Yi is smarter, this shooting star can make a wish."

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