Make a wish?What wish does she have that cannot be fulfilled?

Everyone looked at her together, and being watched by so many people made Feng Qining feel very stressed.

"What are you doing? Why are you looking at me?"

Feng Qining was stared at by so many eyes, she was so grateful that she was under a lot of pressure, this group of people were all looking at her, so many eyes, she really couldn't bear it.

"What is your wish?" [

Everyone asked in unison, this neat appearance made Feng Qining feel that they had been trained.

"My wishes are many."

Feng Qining pretended to be mysterious and said.

"If you tell me, maybe I can help you realize it"

Murong Li sat beside Feng Qining, he was depressed, he didn't know Feng Qining's wish, did he fail too much?

"No, it won't work if you say it."

Feng Qining doesn't intend to say, but her wish is actually related to them, she hopes that everyone around her will be happy, and then everyone can find their own happiness.

"Okay, hurry up and eat, or it won't taste good in a while."

Seeing that Feng Qining didn't want to say anything, everyone didn't force her anymore. Anyway, she would say whatever she wanted to say.

"I don't know if Xiaobai has caught up with Mei."

Feng Qining guessed.

"Ask the little girl and you'll know."

Yes, Feng Qi Ning hugged Murong Li: "Li beauty, you have become smart again."

Murong Li was happy, but felt something was wrong after a while: "What do you mean, I've always been so smart, okay?"

"Well, you've always been so smart."

Feng Qining comforted him, but everyone dismissed it.

Feng Qining blew the flute, and the vermilion bird came down very quickly, it was actually very depressed, thinking that it is the majestic king of birds, and now it has been reduced to the level of a spy, who can it turn to for reasoning?

Soon, Feng Qining learned about what Feng Bai had just encountered from Zhu Chiniao.

Everyone froze for a moment, then all looked at Feng Qining. [

"Little □□, are you reading correctly? Are there really girls looking for a husband like that?"

Feng Qining asked in disbelief, Zhu Chiniao kept nodding, it could see clearly, and it would never be wrong.

"Mother, is it particularly easy to be spotted with such a color?"

Lan Se looked at the feathers of the scarlet bird, the feathers that can glow in the dark, isn't it easy to attract attention?

Maybe someone thought there was a fire in the woods.

"I've thought about this problem a long time ago, but I haven't implemented it all the time. Little □□, do you think that if you dye your feathers, will you still shine?"

Feng Qining's words made Zhu Chiniao feel terrified, and it was so smart that it quickly thought of what Feng Qining wanted to do.

"Don't dye, don't dye."

The scarlet bird strongly expressed its own meaning, it absolutely does not want it, if it is dyed, all its feathers will be destroyed.

"How can you refuse it? Anyway, if it shines or not, you will know if you dye it."

Feng Qining didn't care about its rejection, she wanted to change the color of its body.

"But where is the dye here?"

Zong Zhengxuan looked around, if there were no shops around here, where would there be a place to buy dyes?Does she want to find some dyes to dye?What if the feathers of the little cockroach are really broken?

"Don't worry about it, I'm already prepared."

Feng Qining took out a bunch of things from her bosom.

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