Everyone opened their eyes wide. What is she planning to do?When did she hide so many things in her bosom?

"Feng, when did you buy these things?"

Murong Li was depressed again, he was with her all the time, he didn't know when she bought these things, did she go secretly behind his back for something?

"Don't think too much, didn't I tell you before? I wanted you to buy it consciously, but you didn't have that self-consciousness, so I went by myself"

Speaking of this, Feng Qining is still very depressed. She told them last time that she just wanted them to buy for her. As for them, they actually went in one ear and out the other, and never thought of helping her, so she could only I went by myself. www>

"Mother, you usually don't speak so euphemistically. If you need help, you usually say it directly. Where is there any euphemism? It's not obvious when you say it. How do we know?"

What Lancer said was well-founded, everyone followed suit and nodded.

"If you don't help, you won't help, and you still make excuses, go, get a basin of water"

Lan Se obediently went, and everyone sitting aside looked at the vermilion bird in Feng Qining's arms with great interest.

The scarlet bird shook its head, it really wanted to kill it head on, what kind of master did it find, why did it treat it so cruelly?

It's too bad for it to become a spy now, but she actually wants to cut another knife in its heart.

Feel the depression of Zhu Chiniao.Feng Qining comforted it: "Hey, don't be depressed, I will definitely help you choose a good color."

No matter how good the color is, it can't compare to its current color, it just likes its current color.

"Ning'er, I think it doesn't want to, so don't force it."

Seeing Zhu Chiniao's pitiful appearance, Zhang Kai couldn't bear it anymore. It would be a tragedy for such a divine bird to fall into Feng Qining's hands. Feng Qining, a demon, can do anything.

"What reluctance, little one, tell me, between plucking and dyeing, which one do you choose?"

Of course it was dyeing, Zhu Chiniao chose the latter without hesitation, after the choice, it looked at Feng Qining sadly, didn't she force it?Does it still have a choice?

"Look, this is what it chooses, I didn't force it"

She also said that she didn't force it, so many of them saw it, did she really think they were all blind?

"Did you see it?"

Feng Qining looked at them dangerously, if they said they saw it, then don't blame her.

"No, it's completely voluntary"

Everyone actually opened their eyes and talked nonsense, Zhu Chiniao closed his eyes in despair, it seemed that no one could really save it.

"Okay, little one, don't be depressed, I'm doing this for your own good, think about it, if Xiaobai finds out about you, maybe he will catch you and roast you" [

no?Could he be so cruel?Zhu Chiniao opened its eyes, there was fear in those eyes, although it could emit light, but it was not fire, it was still afraid that Feng Bai would roast it and eat it.

"Will I lie to you? Of course not, don't worry, I will help you recover after you complete the task, okay?"

Zhu Chiniao nodded, finally there was happiness in its eyes, its head kept rubbing against Feng Qining, it was the master who treated it best.

"Of course, I am your master, if I am not good to you, then who is good to you?"

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