Feng Qining almost jumped up when she received such news.

"Xiaobai has a mistress? Xiao, you read that right, right?"

Zhu Chiniao shook its head, its eyes are so good, how could it be wrong, that woman was obviously leaning on Feng Bai's body.

"Things that never change, does he still want to chase Mei back?"

Feng Qining hates the way that iron cannot be made into steel, what is he doing?Do you still think about marrying a large group of concubines to go back?Feng Qining really wanted to beat him up. [

Was her vision wrong?Is that a prodigal son who never turns back?Feng Qi Ning was depressed, could it be that her eyesight got worse after going back to Hyundai for a visit?how could be?Probably not.

It should be that Crazy Bai is unteachable, after struggling for a while, Feng Qining put all the responsibility on Feng Bai.

"He already had a lot of mistresses. There are a lot of mistresses in the palace. One more is not too many, and one less is quite a lot. After you get tired of playing, you can get rid of them."

Lan Se said indifferently, Feng Qining looked at him dangerously, he still dared to say, did he want to die?

Seeing Feng Qining's threatening eyes, Lan Se immediately shut up, why not?

"Maybe his nature is like this, Feng, you don't have to be too sad, it's a big deal to give up."

She wanted to give up, but what about Meisha?She fell headlong into it, did she just watch him sink in like that?

"Things haven't been clarified yet, it's better not to jump to conclusions so quickly, there may be some misunderstandings in it"

Yichu is still more sensible, he knows how to analyze things when he blames, and most of the others are watching the fun.

"Yeah, let's find out what happened first. Xiaobai is now chasing him, so he shouldn't do such stupid things."

Just hearing a bird report, they believe it, are they too easy to fool.

They all said that, what else could Feng Qining say besides agreeing?

"Wu, I asked you to contact Yan Chen, why hasn't he come yet?"

Yanchen?Everyone was shocked. She said that if she asked someone to seduce that woman, she must have sent Yanchen there, right?Wouldn't Feng Bai be easy to guess like that?

"Back to young master, he is already on his way here"

It's time to prepare and hurry, how did it come so fast?

"You tell him to hurry up, it's urgent"

Feng Qining felt that she needed to find out what was going on, so she decided to go and see Feng Bai, Zhu Chiniao and the spies would reunite, and went to stare at Meisha.

The spy looked at the vermilion bird next to him, at the green mass, and the corners of his mouth twitched non-stop. [

The young master is indeed a genius, able to change such a beautiful bird into this appearance.

He wanted to reach out and touch it, but when he sensed his intention, Zhu Chiniao turned his head to look at him, and that person immediately withdrew his hand.

The young master's bird is really unusual, he hasn't even started to move yet, it has already guessed what he is going to do, the pressure is really strong enough.

Zhu Chiniao is very arrogant, except for Feng Qining, it doesn't let anyone touch it, if this person wants to touch it, don't even think about it.

"Master, be careful"

Shu Xin carefully supported Feng Bai, walked two steps, Feng Bai's face turned pale from the pain, the mouse caught between his feet and left a big scar, looking at such a big wound, Feng Bai is going to The owner of the mousetrap has the urge to clip into biscuits.

Who puts a mousetrap next to the road?Isn't that harmful to people?

Feng Bai didn't know, that mousetrap had never caught anyone.

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