That is to say, he was the only one unlucky to be caught by some mousetrap. I don't know if Feng Bai would want to hit the wall after knowing this.

"Sir, I asked for you, and there is no cure for anyone, and..."

Shu Xin looked at him hesitantly, not knowing whether to tell him or not.

"And what? Just say what you want, why do you have to act like that?"

Feng Bai was impatient, she could do such things as calling him husband-in-law, he didn't know what else she couldn't say. [

"And you're the first to be caught in a mousetrap"

Shu Xin finished speaking in one breath, and then looked at Feng Bai cautiously. She actually didn't want to tell him, but after thinking about it carefully, she felt that this was his business and he had the right to know.

Feng Bai really wanted to bump his head to death, how could he be so unlucky?how come?

Suddenly he remembered that Feng Qining had said that it would be very unlucky for her to come out.

"It must be that woman!"

Feng Bai was about to grit his teeth and say something, it must be Feng Qining, the broom star who passed the bad luck to him, he has never been so unlucky before, why is it so unlucky after meeting her?She must have passed that bad luck on to him.

Feng Qining is not here, if she hears Feng Bai's words here, she will definitely not be able to resist trampling him to death. He doesn't know how to think of her when good things happen, and thinks of her when bad luck happens, what? Morality.

"Sir, what woman?"

Shu Xin looked at him in confusion, is there any other woman besides the one she saw last time?

"You don't know if you tell me. Also, how many times have I told you, don't call me your husband. I'm not your husband."

Feng Bai said indifferently, his tone was like the wind in late autumn, which made life painful.


The woman yelled in a low voice: "Did I do something wrong? If I made my husband angry, just tell me, and I will definitely change it, as long as he doesn't drive me away."

Feng Bai was helpless, he had seen this bold woman many times, but he really rarely saw someone like her.

"Are you going to lose your life just because of that teacher's words? If she tells you that you can become a fairy if you die, will you die?"

Feng Bai was a little speechless, he had seen stupid people before, but he had never seen someone as stupid as her.

Is she just the weird flower in Feng Qining's mouth?

"Master will not lie to me, and she will not let me die."

Shu Xin said with certainty that Feng Bai was speechless, and now he wondered if the teacher had a grudge against him, or wanted his life, otherwise why would he arrange someone by his side. [

"Okay then, I'll divorce you now, you can go."

Feng Bai's words filled the woman's eyes with tears, Feng Bai turned his head away, not going to talk to her.

"I know that Xianggong doesn't understand me well enough, so he doesn't like me yet, but it doesn't matter, I will definitely let Xianggong know me and like me."

"I've said it all, I won't like you, or if you become like the woman before, if you become that kind of person, maybe I will like you."

Shu Xin bit her lip, and turned around silently. There was a slight sadness on her body, and Feng Bai watched her leave, and he suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

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