Feng Bai looked at the sky feebly, God, God, could it really have the heart to let him die here?

"Ah ah ah"

Feng Bai looked up at the sky and shouted, Feng Qining pulled out her ears, what was he shouting at this time?Shouldn't it be the most practical thing to find a way?No matter how much he calls the burden, it will not return to his hands.

After venting, Feng Bai really started to think about more practical issues, that is, what should he do now?

Feng Bai was very tangled and depressed, when did he become so downcast? [

"Tell you to leave without me, now you deserve it>

A voice he least wanted to hear sounded behind him, Feng Bai even lost the courage to turn around.

God, God, why did he torture him like this?Either let his baggage be stolen or let such a woman appear beside him?Could he choose to kill her?

Feng Bai really wanted it very much, but now he has more energy than he wants, his foot is injured, and it is difficult to move, so why talk about cleaning up others?

It's already giving him face if others don't clean him up.

Shu Xin looked at him depressedly: "Am I annoying? Why do you always want to get rid of me?"

Since she was a child, she has always been popular. No matter where she goes, others like her very much. Why is it different after coming to Feng Bai?He always wanted to leave her behind.

Is she just not letting him like it?

"Yes, I want to dump you because I can't like you"

This is all true, why does she still ask?You should be able to imagine it with your toes.

Shu Xin couldn't bear it anymore, she threw the burden in her hand on Feng Bai's face: "Smelly man, I don't like you anymore, you go to hell with me."

Feng Qining in the dark watched her unexpected movement, blinked, what was she trying to do?Give up so easily?It's not like, her eyes were clearly flickering with reluctance.

"Desperate to get caught"

With a few simple words, Murong Li made the woman's intentions clear.

"Xiaobai is not so easy to be fooled"

Yichu looked at the woman's back and shook his head, Feng Bai fell into Meisha's hands, this woman, go back where she came from.

Xiaobai has played with countless women, among thousands of flowers, and fell into the hands of Meisha, and all the other women have become clouds to him.

Feng Bai looked down at the things in his hands, it turned out to be his own baggage that was stolen by those bearers, and he found it again, Feng Bai was very happy, looking at Shu Xin's back, Feng Bai shook his head.

Seeing that she had done it herself, he didn't care so much. [

After struggling to lift his feet out of the river, and struggling to change his clothes, Feng Bai struggled to stand up, holding a cane in both hands.

"At the critical moment, the method that woman Feng Qining came up with is very useful."

Feng Bai couldn't help sighing, Feng Qining once said that he could be supported by two crutches, and now it seems to be true.

Feng Qining curled her lips, when did she ever lie to him?

Just like that, Feng Bai walked to the avenue, a carriage passed by, Feng Bai kept shouting, but the coachman didn't even look at him, and when he was close to him, he swung his whip vigorously.

The carriage passed by Feng Bai quickly, Feng Bai ate a stomach full of dust, and the dust turned his little white face into a gray face.

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