"cough cough"

Feng Bai kept waving the dust in front of him.

"What are you pulling, if you don't want to take it, don't take it. If there is no other way, I still don't want to sit in your car."

Feng Bai was so angry that he pointed at the back of the carriage and shouted, at this moment, a donkey cart stopped in front of Feng Bai.

"Young master, are you going to the city? Do you want me to take you for a ride?" [

Feng Bai looked at the dilapidated car, he thought of the dilapidated sedan chair just now, he didn't quite understand, what kind of luck was he, why did he encounter dilapidated things?Doesn't he have the good fortune to meet a good thing?

"Young master, don't worry, my car is very good, it will never be rotten"

The dialogues were so similar, Feng Bai shook his body, didn't those people promise him just now that the sedan chair would never break?But less than halfway through the ride, he fell off.

Feng Bai looked at his feet, it was only a minor injury, but it was soaked in water just now, and it turned into a serious injury, if he falls again, will he become a kick?

"Young master, I'm not an old man. I won't remind you. Few people pass this road. If you don't take my car, you may not be able to walk until night."

The old man's words finally made Feng Bai afraid: "Old man, is what you said true?"

"Of course it's true. My old man never lied to anyone. Why did I lie to you?"

Feng Bai had no choice but to sit in that dilapidated donkey cart, looking at his receding figure, Feng Qining thought of herself in the past, those years had long since left her.

"Mother, do you still remember the days when we used to ride on donkeys?"

It was really hard. They rode the donkey every day and drove in the sun. They didn't know what they were driving, they just kept moving forward.

"Of course I remember, life at that time was quite hard."

Having said that, Feng Qining smiled unnaturally. Although it was bitter, she was also very happy, because she was with them.

"Okay, let's go, there's nothing to see."

Feng Qining turned around, and the carriage stopped beside her at some point. The BMW car was naturally fast. Feng Qining still chose Feng Bai's different road. As long as there was a little chance of being recognized by him, Feng Qining Ning will not do it.

"Old man, can you hurry up?"

Sitting on the donkey cart, Feng Bai kept urging, this was his first time riding in this cart, it was really slow, so slow that he wanted to hit someone.

"Young master, this is the fastest. It's impossible to go any faster. I'm an old donkey. How can I be so fast?"

Even if it was a donkey, it was still an old donkey, Feng Bai kept rolling his eyes.

"My lord, if I didn't see you injured and standing by the side of the road, I wouldn't care about you, old man."

These young and old masters have always been difficult to serve, and he doesn't like them either. If it wasn't a pity for him to stand there alone, how could he meddle in these nosy matters.

Feng Bai twitched the corners of his mouth and forced a smile: "Then I should really thank you."

"Thank you, no, it's just a little effort"

The uncle was also very honest, Feng Bai didn't say anything, he looked up at the sky, and then at his feet, he found that although the donkey was slow, it was still stable, and his foot injury didn't get any worse.

"Son, how are your feet? Are you okay?"

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