"It's okay, thank you very much, I thought my feet couldn't bump, but it's really fine now"

Feng Bai is very happy. When he arrives in the city and finds a good doctor, his feet will definitely heal quickly. Of course, Mei Sha is probably also in the city. She wanted to look around before she got to a place, so she probably didn't have it that early. left.

"Hehe, in fact, this road is smooth, otherwise I wouldn't dare to take you"

The foot injury didn't get worse, Feng Bai was very happy, and he was chatting and laughing with the old man.

Meisha and Jingsheng arrived in Ducheng, looking at the two large characters above, Meisha raised an eyebrow, the name is really strange. [

"The name of this city is very strange. Why do you say it is called this name?"

Jing Sheng shook his head, expressing that he didn't know either.

"How do I know, I just came here not long ago"

Just been here not long ago?Meaning he's not from here?So is he a modern man?

"I'm from Miluo country. I'm free this time. I haven't been here before. I just want to come here for a while. I didn't expect to meet you girl when I came here."

Then she and him are really predestined, Meisha didn't think too much about it, after all, she didn't have any enemies here, and probably no one harmed her, besides, this person didn't seem to have any malicious intentions.

If he wanted to do it, he would have done it long ago with so many opportunities, why wait until this time?

"Miss Mei, we have driven for so long, do you want to go in and have a rest?"

Mei Sha nodded, the city looked very peaceful, and nothing happened all the way through.

It seems that Murong Li manages the country well, the people live and work in peace and contentment, no wonder Feng said that he is a wise king, from this point of view, he is indeed.

The two found a random inn to live in.

"Second brother, why is this city called this name?"

When Xiaoer was about to go out, Meisha stopped him, and the Xiaoer gang solved the doubt: "Oh, it's like this, there is a mountain and a river in our city, and the mountain is the blocking mountain. Originally, our city gate It's over there."

Xiao Er pointed to the north and looked in that direction, and Mei Sha saw a mountain as expected.

"But suddenly one day, a mountain flew over, and then we put the city gate on the south side. The mountain blocked the city gate, so it was called Dushan, and the river flowing down from the mountain was called Duhe. It was raised by the mountain and the river, so this place was renamed Ducheng."

It used to be a small town, but after the mountain, it gradually became a city.

Of course, these were all told to them by their ancestors, and they were passed down from generation to generation. As for the truth, no one knows.

Looking at that mountain, Meisha thought deeply, is there really Feilai Peak in this world?It seems impossible, right?

But it's been so long, who knows if it's true or not. [

After Jing Sheng finished washing up, he came to knock on Misha's door, Misha looked at him displeased, she was eating, why is he knocking on the door at this time?

"Don't tell me you have something to eat"

Listen to what he said?Does he still need to be called when he eats?

"Aren't we friends? Shouldn't we have dinner together?"

But she doesn't seem to be that familiar with him yet, why should she have dinner with him?

"You'll be familiar with it if you walk around a lot. Also, I want to ask you what you like to eat. I didn't expect you to eat it yourself first."

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