Such a grown man, how could it be his turn to care about him?Besides, now that no one is chasing them down, of course there is nothing wrong with them, so they can go wherever they like, he doesn't care.

"It seems that you are right. They went to have some fun, but they didn't even take us with them. It's too much."

Feng Qining clenched her fist to express her dissatisfaction, Yichu and Murongli exchanged horrified looks.

Looking for fun and taking her?She's not joking, is she?

"Ning'er, do you know what it means to have fun?"

Yichu felt that it was inappropriate, so it was a bit difficult to ask this sentence.

"Of course I know, isn't it just to spend time and drink? I can't do this flower, but I can still go to this wine place."

Everyone was stunned. She had broken down an idiom like this, so she was considered talented.

"Feng, girls are not allowed to drink alcohol, didn't you say it? Drinking too much alcohol is bad for your health"

Feng Qining glanced at him lightly, without much meaning in her eyes, then she turned her head and looked outside again.

"First, I'm not a girl anymore. I'm a married woman now. Second, you can go, why can't I? Do you know that you are discriminating between men and women?"

They didn't go?when did they go?

When Lan Se and Zong Zhengxuan came out staggeringly, they bumped into the oncoming person.

"Who's going to hit me?"

Zong Zhengxuan spoke first, and the familiar voice made Feng Ye and Feng Han stand still unsteadily.

"Your majesty, it's you. I'm sorry, I'm blind, and I bumped into you, my majesty."

Feng Han was drunk and couldn't figure out what this place was, so he grabbed Zong Zhengxuan's hand. They were familiar with Zong Zhengxuan, so they didn't care so much.

"It doesn't matter, but it's outside now, you can't call me like that, we should still be called brothers."

Zong Zhengxuan put his hand on Feng Han's shoulder, Feng Han smiled.

"You, why are you here?"

Lancer burped and asked, he could still meet them when he went out for a drink, the world is really too small.

"We're out for a drink"

Feng Ye shook the wine in his hand to him, and Lancer also shook the wine in his hand: "What a coincidence, we also came out to drink."

Just like that, the four of them bumped into each other, and they happened to be drinking, so they bought a few more bottles of wine and drank them back. [

"came back"

Seeing the familiar figure below, Feng Qining felt relieved, and after a while she clenched her fists angrily.

It was too much, and they didn't even call her when they went to play. Fortunately, she remembered them for all the delicious and fun things, but they forgot her completely.

“Smells like alcohol”

From a distance, Murong Li could smell the smell of alcohol, as expected of smelling too much medicine, it turned into a dog's nose.

"Why didn't I smell it?"

Feng Qining tried her best to smell it, but there was no smell at all.

Everyone looked at her with contempt, what kind of nose is that?What kind of nose is Murong Li? How can she compare with him?

When they approached and came up, Feng Qining finally smelled the alcohol on them.

"Mother, we are back"

From a distance, Lan Se shouted, Feng Qining looked at his drunken appearance, frowning into a thread.

"How much did you drink"

Feng Qining put her hand between the two of them, preventing him from rushing towards her.

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