"Not much, just drank so much"

Lan Se stretched out five fingers, and then shook the wine bottle in her hand, Feng Qining opened her eyes wide.

"You drank five bottles?"

Lancer shook his head: "No, more than five bottles"

There were more than five bottles, Feng Qining really wanted to slap him into the wall. [

"Then how many bottles did you drink?"

Lancer shook his head, he couldn't remember clearly, and he didn't remember how much he drank, anyway, he drank a lot.

"I didn't drink much, Ning'er, don't worry."

Zong Zhengxuan walked over unsteadily, Murong Li slapped him to the door, Yichu shook his head, what stimulated these people?They actually went to drink together.

"Mother, don't be angry. You said it yourself. Angry is easy to grow old. We just went to drink a little. We didn't drink much. Don't worry."

Don't worry, it's a ghost if you don't get angry. Looking at them like that, do they seem to have drunk a little?They all became drunks, and they only drank a little, who would believe it.

"Looking at their appearance, they must have drunk a lot. I think it's better to let them wake up."

Zhang Kai stood up, left these words, and walked out the door. Soon, Feng Qining knew what he was going to do, and saw him walking in with a big bucket, followed by two or three shop waiters, and the shop waiters. There are buckets of water in hand.

After pouring the water in, Feng Qining stretched out her hand to feel it, it was still cold water.

"Okay, go in"

Zhang Kai grabbed Lancer and pushed his head down. Murongli and Yichu followed the law. Finally, they threw all four drunk people into the cold water.

"Okay, let's keep them in there"

Murong Li clapped her hands, Feng Qi concentrated her attention: "Isn't this very good? What should I do if it's cold at night?"

Isn't it too inhuman to leave them here?

"Don't worry, it's okay, if you get sick, won't you still have me?"

"I'll wait for your words"

Hearing what Murong Li said, Feng Qining also left.

Lancer was the first to wake up. Before he opened his eyes, he felt cold.

"Where is this place? Why is it so cold?" [

Lancer opened his eyes and saw that he was in the bucket of cold water. He quickly got up and went back to his room without looking at anyone else.

Feng Qining's life here is very happy and relaxed, but it is not so easy for Meisha.

She was drinking dull wine, Jing Sheng went to the steps and sat beside her.

"It's so late, why don't you go to bed?"

Isn't he the same?Of course she doesn't sleep because of troubles, she can't sleep, what about him?Does he have any troubles?

"Are you still worried about him?"

Jing Shengming looked at her clearly: "Since you don't like it, why are you bothered? If you like it, then you two should be together."

"Together? Even if we are together, if today's situation happens again, what do you say?"

She just can't bear this kind of life. Besides, he hasn't talked about the most important issue yet. Even if he loves her the most and loves her the most, there are still so many people in his harem waiting for him to dote on. woman.

Men are the same as underwear, they are not allowed to be shared with men, this is her bottom line, beyond this point, it is not allowed, Feng Bai just stepped on her thunder point.

"Since you know you can't do it, let it go. What are you struggling with?"

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