If he is not passing by, and he happens to be free, he is still his people, and when all these situations are combined, he will save him, otherwise he will not care about him.

"You were hurt so badly, it was the enemy's injury, right?"

With a questioning tone and an affirmative tone, Feng Qining asked while playing with the fur of the tiger and leopard.

Liu Yi lowered his head and didn't speak. He came here today to seek their help, but he and them were not related, so why did she help him?She was willing to save him, and he had already found it.

"What? You came to me today, didn't you just want my help? Tell me, if I can help, I will definitely help" [

"Thank you girl"

Liu Yi was grateful, and told Feng Qining what happened to her. It turned out that he was the young head of the Liu Family Escort. Last month, his father passed away, so the Escort was handed over to him.

Unexpectedly, his uncle would stare at his bodyguard, taking advantage of the time when he was keeping his father's filial piety, he would actually occupy his bodyguard, forget it, he would kill him.

"Well, I'm curious, how did he kill you?"

He had a second mother, and his uncle had an affair with his second mother. While he was keeping his filial piety for his father, his uncle colluded with his second mother, poisoned his cronies, and finally killed him.

"It turned out to be a family struggle. If you ask me for help, aren't you afraid of attracting wolves into the house?"

"Don't be afraid, the girl doesn't look like that kind of person, besides, the girl doesn't like my little bodyguard agency either."

That's right, judging by his appearance, he's an upright man, and since she's fine now, why don't you help him by the way.

"Well, I remember this matter, you should take good care of your wounds, and when you recover from your injuries, you will go back to take revenge"

After receiving Feng Qining's words, Liu Yi went out with confidence. He didn't know why, it was a girl who promised him, but he believed it without any doubt.

There was a convincing magic in what the woman said.

"Feng, you agreed to him so easily?"

Murong Li looked at her, when did she become so nosy?This doesn't look like her?

"Yes, Ning'er, did you take some wrong medicine today?"

Yi Chu also found it strange that this was not Feng Qining's style at all.

"Aren't I bored now? Besides, he deserves help. I help him now. If there is anything that needs his help in the future, he will definitely not refuse."

Feng Qining is just Feng Qining, she can't do without her profession, she has done too many things to cultivate talents, she has occupational diseases.

"Xue, if you want to check the Liu Family Escort Bureau, I want the details."

Ruoxue nodded and left here quickly. [

Zong Zhengxuan drank tea leisurely, anyway, she can do whatever she likes, as long as there is no danger, it is none of his business.

"Hey, don't you want to express your opinion?"

Seeing that they were all silent, Feng Qining was dissatisfied, didn't they have anything to say?

"Express your opinion? What is your opinion? Mother, you have already decided to help, so why not?"

Lancer shrugged, Feng Qining threw a fan over, the fan just hit Lancer's head, Lancer covered his head in pain.

What did he do wrong again?Let her hit him like this?Lancer was wronged and complained.

"I made a mistake"

Lancer became even more depressed, what was her mistake?Would she deliberately hit him by mistake?

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