"Okay, don't be depressed, let's go see how Mei is doing"

Feng Qining stood up, everyone despised her, just go and watch the fun, why are you talking so noble?

But they can only think about such an idea in their hearts. They don't want to experience the beating that Lancer suffered inexplicably.

Feng Bai's foot injury has actually been bandaged, but seeing Meisha's nervous look, if she finds out that he is not injured, he will definitely look ugly.

Just like that, Feng Bai thought for a while, when he walked in and bumped into the threshold, he thought he accidentally tripped over it. [

The weight of his body was all on Meisha's body at once, and Meisha couldn't support it for a while, so he fell to the ground.

By the way, even Feng Bai also fell to the ground.

Just like that, the two fell to the ground at the same time, just right, Feng Bai was on top, Mei Sha was on the bottom, Feng Bai's mouth just happened to kiss Mei Sha.

Meisha opened her eyes wide, didn't she?She is so unlucky?

She was just about to struggle, but unexpectedly, Feng Bai went deep and kissed for real.

Feng Qining and the others who had just arrived saw two people lying on the ground and kissing.Now it was Feng Qining's turn to be dumbfounded.

no?These two people are so impatient?It's just a good time, but it's developing so fast, if the love starts after a while, won't it be kissed to the top?

Seeing the two of them like that, Feng Qining swallowed her saliva, and felt more and more that her idea was reliable. These two people can do such things as lying on the ground and kissing like that, so what else are they doing? Can't come out?

After watching for a while, Murong Li felt that something was right, he looked around and finally realized what was wrong, it turned out that he had forgotten to cover Feng Qining's eyes.

Feng Qining was amused by watching, her eyes were covered by someone at this moment, of course she didn't want to, Murongli simply covered her mouth, now, Feng Qining had no choice but to be obedient close your eyes.

Don't watch it if you don't watch it, it's just a kiss, it's nothing special.

Feng Bai's hand slowly descended, and as soon as it stopped on Meisha's waist, Meisha came to her senses, and saw her retreating from Feng Bai's embrace.

Her face was red, she didn't know whether it was from excitement or shyness, her lips were red and full, which made Feng Bai's heart skip a beat.

Damn it, I almost did it on the ground just now, Meisha really wanted to find a hole in the ground to get in, and she didn't know what she was doing, but she kissed Feng Bai on the ground so that she could forget herself.

Meisha looked around, but luckily no one saw her, otherwise she wouldn't have to live.

Feng Sha held her breath, she couldn't let Mei Sha know that she was there at this time, if she found out, she probably wouldn't have to mess around.


Feng Bai looked at her, he was still lying on the ground, unable to move, did she want to leave him alone?

"Look, you're already like this, you don't know how to pay attention"[

Mei Sha forgot to be shy at this moment, and hurried to help Feng Bai up.

When she helped Feng Bai to the bed, Feng Bai took advantage of the situation and pulled her into his arms.

Feng Qining blinked, it seemed that Xiaobai couldn't wait any longer, then from this point of view, the killing of love should not be able to escape Xiaobai's grasp.

"What are you doing? Let me go"

Mei Sha withdrew from Feng Bai's embrace like an electric shock.

"Mei, didn't you say let's try?"

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