Feng Bai was depressed, she promised to give him a chance, why didn't he let him touch it?Could it be that her so-called promise means that she can only watch but not eat?So what's the difference between that and not agreeing?

"I promised to give you a chance, as for the rest, it depends on your performance"

After reading the man's countless obsessions, it is natural to know how to seduce his appetite is the best. Men are always like this. What you can't get is always the best, and what you get is not worth cherishing.

In order to let him know how precious she is, of course she has to whet his appetite, let him see what he can't eat, and give him a little sweetness from time to time, which is the best.

"Oops, my feet" [

Feng Bai moved out his feet in a timely manner, and Mei Sha Guoren stepped forward nervously: "How is it? Are you all right?"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Feng Bai wanted to take advantage of it again, how could he succeed in a bewitching killing that had suffered a loss once?She avoided it cleverly, grabbed an empty Feng Bai, and looked at Mei Sha depressedly.

Does she have to hide so tightly?is it necessary?

"Don't make up your mind, just lie down obediently, and I'll get you a doctor."

Unexpectedly, Feng Bai had a childish temper at this moment, he just didn't want it, he just didn't want it.

"Okay, I'll do it myself"

Seeing his appearance, Meisha had no choice but to bandage him up.

"Let me tell you, I'm inexperienced. If it hurts you, don't blame me."

Feng Bai nodded, she can rest assured to bandage, he will definitely not feel the pain.

Feng Qining in the dark looked at Feng Bai sympathetically, he asked Meisha to help him bandage without calling anyone, is he desperate?

With Meisha's hand, barbecue and killing are fine. She is not good at bandaging and the like, and she is not good at it either, but asking Meisha to help bandage it is really terrible.

Will she die?Of course it won't, so love life, don't kill and bandage up.

After a while, Feng Bai understood the pain Feng Qining had suffered before, and soon, the screams came.

After listening for a while, Feng Qining and the others couldn't take it anymore, so they left quickly.

"Mei, do you regret agreeing to me, you don't want me and don't kill me?"

Feng Bai was about to cry, is it wrong to chase after a beloved woman?Is it wrong to like a hard-to-get woman?She obviously agreed to him, why did she still abuse him like this?

"Who said I don't want you anymore? I told you to bear it. That's how I bandage up. Who made me inexperienced?"

no experience?Does her level of proficiency in killing people seem to be inexperienced?Why is she so experienced in killing people?I have no experience in bandaging wounds. What is the reason for this?


When the pain came, Feng Bai cried out in pain again.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it, you bear it, bear it again"

Meisha looked at Feng Bai embarrassedly, only to see that the wound on his foot was split open, the new injury added to the old injury, plus Meisha was a little nervous, so he would always touch his wound, sometimes that The strength has also increased.

So this caused Feng Bai's current miserable situation.

The regret in Feng Bai's heart doesn't need to be expressed in words. He resents Feng Qining in his heart, why didn't he tell him before coming here, Meisha won't bandage up, if she told him, he wouldn't be here now Suffered.

"Okay, shut up, it's just a little pain, what's your name?"

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