
Just when Feng Bai felt that he was going to kill himself, Mei Sha was finally bandaged.

Feng Bai heaved a sigh of relief, after his nerves relaxed, he fell into a deep sleep, looking at the sleeping Feng Bai, Meisha watched very quietly.

This is a good-looking man, but also, if he is not good-looking, there won't be so many women thinking about it, right?

This good man is always missed by many women. From this point of view, shouldn't she be proud? [

Mei Sha tilted her head slightly, and then looked at Feng Bai at the top.

Shu Xin was rescued by Yan Chen. She was full of gratitude for the man in front of her. These days, she listened to Yan Chen's words and healed her wounds. During this time, she also thought about how to deal with that man. She can't do it manually, but she can use secret tricks.

Yan Chen told Feng Qining her whereabouts, looking at the note in her hand, Feng Qining pursed her lips.

"Mother? How is it? Do we want to help?"

Lan Se held the note in her hand and asked, Feng Qining slapped it over: "Help me for what? I want to help with everything, so why is she going?"

This matter, of course, is settled by Mei Kill herself, anyway, she will not add fuel to the scene, she is just watching the show by the side.

"It's just watching a show, how many things do you say you have done to backfire?"

Feng Yu shook her head, Feng Qining looked at him dissatisfied: "What, what I did was obviously a good thing, what is it to backfire?"

They were watching the play, she just made it better, what's wrong?

"By the way, where did Brother Yi and Brother go?"

Feng Qining saw that there were two more people missing in the room, and felt strange, they must have gone to have fun again, right?Lancer and the others were drunk last time, so it's their turn this time, right?

Thinking of what happened last time, Lancer still has lingering fears.

In a daze, he crawled to the bed and went to sleep, his clothes were still wet, and Zong Zhengxuan and the others slept in the tub, and when they got up the next day, their legs were limp.

Unable to stand up, they naturally wanted to call for help, but Feng Qining refused to call for help, which means they crawled back to the room.

Since then, they have sworn that they will never get drunk again. It's okay to drink, but it's a big thing to be ashamed of drinking.

"You're such an adult, it's your turn to worry about it, you'd better control yourself"

As soon as Murong Li finished speaking, two clay figurines came in from outside, they were really dirty people all over.

"Where did the savage come from?"

Seeing such a dirty person, Murongli flew in without even thinking about it. Just like that, Zhang Kai flew out and hung on the tree, while Yichu hugged him and said hoarsely: "It's me." [

"Uh, Brother Yi, how did you do this?"

Feng Qining was the first to realize, why are they in such a mess?Even if you beat someone, you won't be beaten like this, right?

"Whatever you are, you should go take a shower first."

Murong Li kicked him away, Yichu drew a beautiful arc in the air, and then fell to the lake outside.

Hearing the sound of heavy falling water, people on the street stopped. Their eyes looked into the lake, but they saw nothing.

"I guess my ears are hard of hearing"

The passer-by shook his head and continued on his way.

With great difficulty, Yichu got up from the lake, and he looked at Feng Qining sadly with his whole body soaked.

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