The black prince on the bar: the hidden secret of the phoenix birthmark

Chapter 2817: Looking for medicine on the cliff 5


With two panicked shouts, Murongli and Jinyun hurried over, but they were still a step too late, Feng Qining fell straight down.

Feng Qining didn't shout in panic, her body was sinking, Murong Li and Jin Yun's shouts got farther and farther away.

Is she dying again?Feng Qining closed her eyes, then opened them again.

No, she can't just die like this, she finally came back, how could she die so easily, absolutely not. [

Feng Qining looked around, she was far away from the edge of the cliff, the cliff was as smooth as a mirror, there was nowhere to climb, even if she didn't want to die, she had to die.

Not reconciled, Feng Qining looked at the sky unwillingly, the ribbon suddenly flew out of Feng Qining's cuff, Feng Qining suddenly thought of her spell.

How could she have forgotten, she is not an ordinary person, the sword flew out and flew to Feng Qining's feet, Feng Qining rode the sword and flew up from the cliff.

Murong Li looked down with ashes, while Jin Yun walked around anxiously, looking down, he gritted his teeth, raised his hand, and was about to make a move when he suddenly saw a white spot below.


Jin Yun looked at the person flying up from below in surprise, did he see it right?

His cry made Murong Li bow her head, and sure enough, she saw Feng Qining flying up from below riding a big knife.

Steadily, Feng Qining landed in front of them, and Murong Li stepped forward to hug her: "You scared me to death, you really scared me to death"

Feng Qining also knew that she must have frightened him. She was also frightened just now. She really thought that she was going to see Yan Luo again like this.

"What's going on? What's your name here?"

Yichu came from a distance with dry rations, just now he saw the three of them were here, so he went to pick some fruits and came over, unexpectedly hearing Murongli's urgent cry, he hurried over.

He thought something happened to Feng Qining, but now he came to see that she was standing here perfectly, nothing happened.

If there is nothing wrong, what are those two shouting?Are they idle and doing nothing?

"It's okay, Brother Yi, don't worry, I'm fine, you came just in time, and I'm hungry too"

Feng Qi Ning ran towards Yichu, secretly, kept giving Murongli and Jinyun winks, as long as they knew about it, don't tell Yichu and her brother, if they knew, they would definitely criticize her of.

"Really okay?"

Yichu looked at her in disbelief, seeing the strange expressions of the three of them, Yichu didn't believe that she was fine.

"It's really fine. You see, I'm fine now. What's the matter? I just looked over there just now, and the two people made a fuss."

Yichu took a look, she was indeed standing there just now.He just saw that the three of them were there, so he didn't bother them in the past. These three people had some problems that needed to be resolved. [

"Well, you have been here for a long time, have you found anything?"

What did you find?Just found the medicine.

"I didn't find anything. We just took a look here. There is so much fog below, how can we see anything?"

Feng Qining ate the fruit, and after eating half of it, she realized that there was not a single tree here, where did he find the fruit?

"Who told you that only trees bear fruit?"

Is not it?A question mark appeared above Feng Qining's head, could the grass still bear fruit?

Yichu rolled her eyes, this person, hasn't she been wandering outside for a long time?Why is there still no common sense?

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