The black prince on the bar: the hidden secret of the phoenix birthmark

Chapter 2818: Looking for medicine on the cliff 6

"Brother Yi, if you don't want to say it, just say it, why do you still want to talk about me?"

Feng Qining was depressed, what, it's normal for this tree to bloom and bear fruit, who would think that this grass will bloom and bear fruit?Isn't this nonsense?

"Ning'er, you are still struggling with this, there are a lot of fruits over there, hurry up and pick them."

Zong Zhengxuan brought a lot of them with his lapel, and Feng Qining took one from his arms after eating, "You have so much here, you can't finish it, why don't I share it with you?"

Feng Qining blinked, he wouldn't disagree, right?This is a good thing, of course we have to share it together. [

"I have no problem, but the two behind you, you don't plan to let them eat?"

As soon as Zong Zhengxuan finished speaking, Feng Qining snatched two and threw one to each of Murongli and Jinyun: "That's all right."

Zong Zhengxuan had a bitter face, didn't he?What he worked so hard to pick was ruined by her like this, it was hard for him to pick it.

"Okay, I'm just going to eat two of your fruits, I'm so reluctant, I'll help you pick it."

Feng Qining rolled her eyes, she just picked the fruit, there was no difficulty.

"Brother, I finally found one, and you stomped it flat with one foot."

From a distance, Feng Qining heard Feng Yu's voice of grief and indignation, and she could guess what kind of anger Feng Yu was feeling without looking at her.

"I didn't do it on purpose, why don't you find another one."

The Dao that Feng Ye didn't think was just a fruit, not something valuable.

"Looking for? This is the third one I'm looking for, and you've crushed them all. Do you dislike me?"

Feng Yu's anger didn't decrease but increased, what, if it was just one time, he didn't care, but it wasn't the first time, it was the third time, it was like this every time.

"Where did I do it on purpose? I didn't mean it."

"Then don't follow me, go find it yourself."

Feng Yu drove Feng Ye away, he is very upset now, everyone else is eating, and he is the only one who is looking for it hard, that's fine, it's not like he can't find it, but why was it destroyed by Feng Ye?

Isn't he his big brother?He's not an enemy, so why treat him so cruelly?

"Second brother, big brother, what are you doing? What about high internal strife?"

Feng Qining looked at the two with a funny face, Feng Ye was depressed, Feng Yu was sad and indignant.

Feng Ye was really wronged, the road was this way, he naturally walked this way, Feng Yu walked ahead, so naturally, he could only follow behind.

I don't know whether he was lucky or Feng Yu was unlucky, every time he found the fruit, he crushed it to pieces. [

In fact, he really didn't do it on purpose, but this happened three times in a row. He didn't believe it when he said it wasn't on purpose, let alone an outsider?

Feng Yu told Feng Qining what happened very depressedly, Feng Qining found it funny.

"Okay, it's just two fruits, I'll give you."

Feng Qining stretched out her hand to Zong Zhengxuan, Zong Zhengxuan looked at the fruit in her hand and hugged it: "I only have two left, don't make any more plans about it."

It's no wonder if you don't fight, Feng Qining snatched the fruit from him, and muttered: "Brother Emperor, when did you become so stingy? It's just two fruits, you don't want to part with them."

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