The black prince on the bar: the hidden secret of the phoenix birthmark

Chapter 2819: Looking for medicine on the cliff 7

What do you mean by just two?This was what he had worked so hard to find. It's fine if she doesn't respect the fruits of his labor, but she still wants to say that.

"Oh, don't worry, I will find it for you."

Feng Qining patted him on the shoulder boldly, Zong Zhengxuan still had a bitter face, ah, she is still so naive, if only it was so easy.

"Feng, we are all full, you have to find it by yourself."

Zhang Kai wiped his mouth, Feng Qining looked at them, and said indifferently: "If you find it yourself, you can find it yourself, what else can I not know, can such a little thing trouble me?" [

As Zong Zhengxuan said, she really thought too naively. This fruit is hidden in the weeds, and you have to push through the weeds to find it. This is not important. The important thing is that the fruit grows on the top and has no leaves, with fruit growing on a gray neck.

Seeing the fruit full of thorns, Feng Qining hesitated, how to get this.

"Feng, do you want to help?"

Meisha walked over, she couldn't bear to see her good sister fighting against this fruit alone.

"No, I can do it myself."

Feng Qining looked at the fruit, and the whole group looked at her.

"Feng, can you do it? If you can't pick it, don't want it. Anyway, it's just two fruits. It's no big deal."

Murong Li couldn't bear to see her struggling. It didn't matter whether he ate or not, what he feared most was hurting her.

"What do you mean no more? This is necessary."

Feng Qining took two twigs, removed the fruit, and then removed the outer shell, and the smooth skin appeared inside.

"Brother, I admire you. You dare to step on this thorny thing. Are your feet okay?"

Feng Qining looked at his feet, there was nothing special about his shoes, that is to say, his feet were still made of flesh, so why did nothing happen when he stepped on them?

"Why is it all right? My feet are still hurting."

Fortunately, the soles of his shoes are thick enough, otherwise he would not be able to walk now.

"Really? I think you are like an ordinary person, nothing happened at all."

According to her, he must be stabbed so hard that he can't walk, right?

Feeling that Feng Ye was happy, Feng Qining quickly put a smile on his face, and looked at him flatteringly: "No, of course not, I didn't mean that, just pretend I didn't say anything."

Feng Yu didn't speak, but her face softened, Feng Qining patted her chest, fortunately, she was fine.

After they were full, everyone took a rest. After eating and drinking enough, they naturally thought of the purpose of their visit this time. Everyone looked around. The other side of this mountain was all cliffs. How to get down?Is it the same way?But the carriage is no longer there, should they go on foot? [

Feng Qining shook her head to get rid of that outrageous thought, it was impossible, absolutely impossible.This walk, if you don't walk for half a year, you can't walk.

"Okay, stop thinking about it, the most important thing for us is to find the medicine first."

The medicine hasn't been found yet, and the others are fake, Feng Qining nodded, yes, the most important thing now is to find that, Jin Yun's injury can't be dragged on any longer.

Before reaching the edge of the cliff, Feng Qining watched Zhu Chiniao and the tiger and leopard fight from a distance.

"Little □□, I asked you to find medicine, why don't you go here?"

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