The black prince on the bar: the hidden secret of the phoenix birthmark

Chapter 2820: Looking for medicine on the cliff 8

Feng Qining grabbed Zhu Chiniao, Zhu Chiniao flapped its wings aggrievedly, it had been found long ago, but it was under a very deep cliff, what if she couldn't go down?

"Then you catch it"

Feng Qining pinched its neck, this bastard, why can't she understand her words?Who let it be found for nothing?If you find it and don’t pick it up, who taught it?

The scarlet bird went down, and soon came up with a blade of grass in its mouth. tu>

"Rimi, what's the matter, is it this?" [

Murong Li took it, looked at the grass in her hand for a long time, and finally shook her head: "It's not this one, this one looks very similar, but look at it"

Murong Li turned the leaves to the back, the veins of the red grass are very clear, this one can't be seen, so this one is not.

The vermilion bird fluttered its wings, it was nothing like this, then there was nothing below, it only saw this.

"Forget it, Feng, don't teach it a lesson. This thing is hard to find. I think we should find a way."

Murong Li looked down, and couldn't see anything other than white or white. How can I find this?

"How about I go down and look for it?"

Feng Qining took out her big knife, she should have no problem going down.

"Feng, don't talk nonsense, you still can't control the sword control, how can you use it casually?"

Jin Yun hastened to stop her, did she know that this was her weakest, in her previous life, she was not very good at learning, the Phoenix Art was the best she learned, but she couldn't attack that one, and she only learned other spells Got a fur.

"Then what can we do now?"

Feng Qining was also impatient, standing here for a long time, unable to think of a solution.

"Don't worry, I have a solution"

Murong Li took out a long rope: "This way, you guys pull me up, I'll go down and have a look, the little one will follow me down, once it comes up, you guys pull me up."

"But wouldn't it be too dangerous?"

Feng Qining was worried, could this rope be a counterfeit product?What would she do if he fell?

"Don't worry, I'm fine, this is the current feasible solution"

No one knows the medicine better than him, so he must go down.

"Then, will there be something protective next to the medicine, if you are injured, what should you do?"

"Don't worry, where is there something to protect? It just likes to grow in such an environment, there is nothing special"[

Feng Qining's heart relaxed a little, thinking about it, she also felt that she made too much fuss, this is not a fantasy world, where is there such a thing as a patron saint?

"Okay, Feng, don't worry, you have to have confidence in Murong."

Feng Qining nodded, that's right, her Li beauty will be fine, he is great.

Tie the rope around her waist, and Feng Qining's gang pulled it, just like that, Murong Li went down slowly.

The smooth cliff was covered with moss, which made it even more difficult. Murong Li went down a little bit, and he looked to the side.

After reaching a certain length, he finally saw the grass, but why did it grow so far?

As a last resort, Murong Li went up again, needless to say, this time she was happy for nothing.

"It doesn't matter, at least I found it, it will be very fast."

There is happiness in Feng Qining's eyes, sometimes, it's not that she is afraid of difficulties, but the most fearful thing is that there is no hope.

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