The black prince on the bar: the hidden secret of the phoenix birthmark

Chapter 2839: Trapped at the bottom of the cliff 9

"Just now I heard someone say, what the master said is true, it really is here, could it be the master's problem?"

Mei Sha tore at the leaves beside her, and the leaves around her were almost ruined by her.

"That master has no grievances with us, why did he frame us like that?"

Lancer touched his head, expressing his confusion.

"Who knows, maybe it's a liar, who lied to those villagers. I didn't expect to meet us dead cats" [

Feng Yu sighed, originally he didn't really believe it, but after this period of time, he completely believed it, they were so unlucky.

"Little □□, go and see if there is any Taoist priest or something, go and arrest him"

The scarlet bird flapped its wings and was about to leave, but Murong Li grabbed its wings.

"You're crazy, if this and Xiao □ go down, it will definitely scare those people to death"

If you scare them to death, you can scare them to death. She originally wanted to scare them to death, which is just to save worry.

"Okay, kitty, you go"

The tiger and leopard under the tree stretched, and disappeared with a single jump.

As Feng Yu guessed, that Taoist actually just said it casually. Unexpectedly, someone actually appeared inside, and after hearing what the villagers said, he pretended to cast a spell, and then ran away quickly.

Those must be people from the martial arts, if he doesn't escape, will he stay here to die?

As soon as he turned around, the tiger and leopard appeared in front of him. The Taoist rolled his eyes and passed out. The tiger and leopard bit his clothes and dragged him away.

Feng Qining thought it would take a long time, but unexpectedly the tiger and leopard would come back soon.

The speed of the work surprised her.

"Little cat, it's not bad. I have caught more pheasants recently, and the efficiency has also become faster."

Is this a compliment?The tiger and leopard tilted its head, expressing curiosity.

"Feng, no matter how I hear your words, they sound derogatory"

Mei Sha was on the sidelines complaining for Hu Bao, Hu Bao's big eyes looked at Feng Qining pitifully, right?Is she belittling it?

"Nothing, how could I say that about you? I'm obviously praising you"

Tiger Leopard still listens to Feng Qining's words. When she says it's a compliment, it naturally regards her as a compliment.

"Passed out"[

Murong Li pinched the Taoist priest, and the Taoist priest woke up.

"You, who are you? What do you want to do?"

Seeing a group of people like wolves and tigers, the Taoist was frightened.

"What do we want to do? We really want to ask you what good deed you have done. Say, we have no grievances with you, why did you frame us?"

Murong Li grabbed his collar and looked at him sharply.

"Think carefully before speaking, if we are not satisfied with the answer, then don't blame us"

Lancer looked at him with a smile, but the smile never reached his eyes, the Taoist was afraid.

His premonition was indeed correct, these people were people who could not be offended, but he happened to offend, this time it was really terrible.

"I, I said, I will say whatever you want to know, but after you finish speaking, you must let me go"

He doesn't want to die yet, he hasn't lived enough, how can he die?

"Why do we have to let you go? Didn't we say it? You can go, but your answer needs to satisfy us. If we are satisfied, we will naturally let you go. How about it?"

Yichu's face was horrifying, and he stood with his back to the light, terrified all over his body.

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