The black prince on the bar: the hidden secret of the phoenix birthmark

Chapter 2840: Trapped at the bottom of the cliff 10

"Okay, whatever you want to know, I'll tell you, tell you everything"

The Taoist was trembling with fear. If he knew that he was provoking such a person, he would speak cautiously, at least he would not say such a thing. Isn't he asking for his own destruction?

"Then tell us first, what's going on?"

Lan Se put down the sword in his hand, his eyes were like knives, the Taoist lowered his head, and tremblingly told them what had happened.

It turned out that many people died in the village recently, and those who died were all young and middle-aged. Some of them saw black or white shadows flashing past at night, and the death conditions of those people were extremely tragic, so there were people in the village. The idea of ​​ghosts is slowly becoming popular. [

If there are ghosts, they naturally want to catch ghosts, so those Taoist priests invited him here. How could he catch ghosts? Come out of the bamboo forest.

"I just said that casually. I don't know where you will run out from such a coincidence at this time."

The Taoist priest is still very innocent. When they didn't run out, they ran out at this time. Can you blame him?Can?

"You mean, we are regarded as ghosts, and we are all unlucky, right?"

Zong Zhengxuan looked at him dangerously, if he dared to say that, he would beat him up.

"No, no, of course not, it's all my fault, I won't dare to do it again next time, just let me go"

Let him go?Feng Qining looked at him funny, when did they say they would let him go?

"You'd better let Hades let you go"

Lan Se raised his sword, Murong Li stopped him: "No"

Why?Lancer was a little displeased, this liar, do you want to stay?For such a scourge, except for one, why should we show mercy to them?

"He died here, and the villagers found out, and the hearts of the people were even more panicked."

So what to do?Are you going to let him go like this?Lancer was not reconciled. After the first time, there will naturally be a second time. This kind of disaster should be eliminated, so that it will not harm the world.

"We still keep him alive, but the death penalty is inevitable, and the living penalty is inevitable. Naturally, I will teach him a lesson."

They are now being captured by those villagers as if they were ghosts. To catch the murderer, they must be in that village. Therefore, they still have to rely on this Taoist priest.

"We will wear the same clothes as you later, and you will say that we are with you. These ghosts are more cunning, so so many people are needed to catch them, you know?"

Murong Li told the Taoist priest, the Taoist priest kept complaining, didn't he?Are they still with him?How can he treat them peacefully?Isn't this killing him?

"Why, can't it? Or do you not agree?"

Murong Li looked at him with a livid face, as if if he refused, he would ruthlessly tear him apart.

"Okay, you can say anything" [

The Taoist nodded quickly, can he not agree?Between this death and agreeing, of course he chose to agree.

"Okay, everyone hurry up"

Murongli and his group started to change their appearances, and then changed their clothes, they were just like ordinary people. The Taoist priest looked at them dully. After the transformations, they looked much more amiable than before.

"Okay, let's go"

Murong Li kicked him, panicked, and the Taoist walked back with a very complicated mood.

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