The black prince on the bar: the hidden secret of the phoenix birthmark

Chapter 2841: Trapped at the bottom of the cliff 11

According to what Murong Li said, the Taoist priest told the villagers that not only did the villagers have no doubts, but they welcomed them happily.

"Uncle, you said there is a ghost in the village, have you seen it?"

The uncle frowned: "Have you ever seen him? If I've seen a ghost, do I still have to stand here?"

Feng Qining burst out laughing, this uncle is very funny, Murong Li was very embarrassed, but secretly gave the Taoist a hard look, didn't he say that someone in this village has seen a ghost?

Then why do you say you haven't seen it now? [

"Uncle, don't be angry. What my brother means is, didn't you say that there are ghosts in this village? If you haven't seen them, how do you know that ghosts are at work?"

Feng Qining's voice was very soft, gentle and gentle, it sounded very comfortable, the uncle was satisfied.

"Of course it's a ghost. I haven't seen it, but someone has seen it."

There was a light in Feng Qining's eyes, and just about to ask, the uncle's next sentence was poured on her like a basin of cold water: "But, everyone I met died."

Because of this, when Murong Li asked him if he had seen a ghost, he was so angry, wasn't he cursing him to die?

Murong Li and Feng Qi Ning looked at each other, everyone they saw was dead, this is not like a ghost's way, more like a killer's way.

When those people died, they all wrote the word "ghost" on their hands, and some old people saw black shadows flashing before their eyes when they got up to go to the latrine at night.

"I've felt it before. I was walking on the road, but I didn't expect a gust of wind to blow past my eyes, and then a black shadow appeared in the distance."

An old man in her 70s and [-]s said that her hair was all gray, and when she mentioned this incident, she still felt scared. If the ghost killed her at this time, she probably would not be able to resist at all.

Feng Qining and her group sat on the other side, and they exchanged opinions in a low voice.

"I think there is a killer attacking this village"

Feng Qining was the first to express her opinion. Such an approach, no matter how you look at it, looks like a killer.

"But will the killer take a fancy to this small village?"

Murong Li frowned, what good would it do them to kill these villagers?Besides, doesn't the killer use money to do things?Could it be that someone paid for the lives of the entire village?

"Who would be that boring?"

Lancer ate what was in his hands, and said indifferently.

"Yeah, are those people hungry? Even if that's the case, it's still worth doing something meaningful."

There was deep thought in Yichu's eyes, he really wanted to see who was so boring?

"Regardless of their identities, it is still more important for us to catch them, but aren't you afraid that they are really ghosts?" [

Zong Zhengxuan pretended to be mysterious and said, everyone gave him a blank look, what time is it, and he is still in the mood to joke.

"Even if there are ghosts, we will catch them"

Jin Yun said calmly, he is a ghost now, what are he afraid of?He didn't believe it anymore, there are ghosts more powerful than him.

After some discussion, Feng Qining and his group took over the job of standing guard at night, and the villagers danced happily when they heard that they were going to stand guard.

The evening came soon, and the villagers cooked a hearty meal for them. Although it was far inferior to the one in the palace, it was the most hearty meal they had in the mountains.

How can you ask for so much when you are away from home?

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