"Li beauty, what will happen to him?"

Feng Qining looked at the fainted person, with anticipation in her eyes, she really wanted to see the power of this medicine.look
"What else can I do? Go crazy everywhere, but don't let him harm the people in these villages here, I think it's better to go farther away."

This is a little farther away, in fact, it is not too far away, Murong Li just caught him on the official road, just as he walked on the official road, that person unexpectedly woke up.

"Parents" [

The man opened his eyes and said this to Feng Qining and Murong Li, and the black lines slid down their foreheads.

"Go, who are your parents?"

Murong Li threw him aside, that man wanted to hug Murong Li madly, how could Murong Li let him do what he wanted?One punch knocked him aside.

"I don't think he can do this."

Seeing that he actually grabbed the grass on the side of the road and ate it, Lancer said worriedly, he should eat grass if he eats it, it is not poisonous, and he may not die from eating it, but the grass is dust, if he eats it like that, he will eat it. No one will die?

"What's the wrong way? I think it's pretty good. It would be better if he jumped into the river to wash himself."

Zong Zhengxuan looked at a pond not far away, and Feng Qining blinked. According to her experience in the rivers and lakes, that pond was reserved for buffaloes to drink and bathe.

Zong Zhengxuan let him jump in?Isn't this a competition with buffaloes?

"Do you think he will jump if you let him jump? How could it be so easy?"

Lan Se didn't care too much. He just heard a plop when he finished speaking, and the man jumped into the pond.

Lancer was dumbfounded, wasn't he?He really dances.

"Hey, you guys are going too far, why don't you play with a lunatic?"

The four people stopped in front of Feng Qining's group, one of them was tall and burly, one was very short, one was extremely ugly, and the other looked like an ordinary person, but it would be difficult to throw them in the crowd. Can't find it.

"You guys are very special, what's the matter? We can play as we like, what's the matter with you?"

Feng Qining looked at them sarcastically, she hadn't expected that there were people meddling in here.

"Of course it's none of our business. When you see injustice, you draw your sword to help. Who let you meet us?"

The short man said, looking at Feng Qining's disastrous face, he was almost drooling, never thought there would be such a stunning person here, it seems that it was really the right time to come out this time.

"In this way, you must take care of this matter?"

Murong Li looked at them, don't think he didn't know what they were planning, they didn't look like good people, they probably wanted to blackmail them, don't look at who they are, can they blackmail casually? ? [

"Brothers, girl, my brothers talk like this. If there are many offenses, please forgive me. It's just that you treat an old man like this, don't you think it's too much?"

The person with pimples and scars all over his face said, Feng Qining looked at him with disgust, it's not wrong to be ugly, but it's wrong to come out and harm others.

"Don't blame me, it's actually like this"

Feng Han told them what had happened.

"We are just punishing him, and at the same time trying to force him to tell the truth"

Feng Han said the general thing, but concealed half of it, that is, he can blow sleep.

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