"So that's the way it is. Brothers, don't blame us. We misunderstood you."

Just like that, the four brothers who appeared out of nowhere followed them. After the man had had enough of being crazy, he finally agreed to tell the story.

Feng Qining was not in a hurry to ask him to explain.

"I think you should organize your words slowly, and you can talk when I am free. I am hungry, so I need to find a place to eat first."

Feng Qining looked around, there was no shop in front of the village, where could there be a place to eat?So, resigned to her fate, she took out dry food and planned to stuff it into her mouth. [

Four pairs of eight eyes stared at her hand, Feng Qining smiled awkwardly: "What are you looking at?"

"Didn't see anything"

The four swallowed their saliva and said in unison.

They can't be so poor, can they?Murong Li looked at them and looked at their clothes, they didn't look like they were very poor, how could they not afford dry food?

"Hehe, we came out in a hurry, so we forgot to bring food."

The big man said embarrassingly, seeing him like that, Yichu generously handed him some of his dry food: "Eat mine."

"What's so funny about that?"

That's what he said, but he took it unceremoniously, Yichu smiled and didn't mind.

"Hurry up and go"

Lancer tried hard, the man almost lost his balance and staggered, he gave Lancer a hateful look, he must not give him a chance to escape, otherwise he would definitely take revenge.

A large group of people drove for a long time, and finally arrived in the city. Feng Qining couldn't hide her joy. Arriving in the city meant that she didn't have to walk anymore, and there were carriages and waiters.

Ruoxue and Ruowu, Liu Yi, Zong Zhengxuan, and Yang Yue were eating, when Ruoxue and Ruowu suddenly stood up.

"Master is here"

The two ran out quickly, and Liu Yi followed behind inexplicably.

Is this something big?They run so fast?

In the restaurant, Feng Qining smiled and ordered the dishes. This day, Tianxiang Restaurant is the most luxurious and comfortable restaurant in the city, and of course it is also the most expensive.

"We have a lot of people, so this dish is a bit too much, sorry."

Feng Qining looked at them sincerely, with embarrassment still on her face, those four people felt pain in their hearts when they looked at the things on the table.

Golden Roast Duck, Golden Roast Chicken, Golden Roast Pig, Golden Soup...[

Everything that Feng Qi condenses is related to gold.

The tall man whispered in the short man's ear, "Why does she order so much gold? Be careful that the gold will overwhelm her."

The dwarf was crying, and replied in the same low voice: "You are still in the mood to joke at this time, you should think about how we can get out."

It turned out that for the sake of their contribution of dry food, they planned to treat them to a meal. Unexpectedly, this group of people ordered so much gold without being polite at all.

The dwarf lowered his voice: "It's a big deal to mortgage them here. Let's eat happily and find an excuse to slip away after eating."

The tall man nodded, yes, this method is good.

"Where are you two whispering something, how about sharing it?"

Feng Bai suddenly spoke in their ears, and the two of them were taken aback.

"I didn't say anything, we just said that it's a pleasure to meet you, I haven't found like-minded friends for a long time"

"Really? But to me, Xiongtai looks like he ate a fly."

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