Usually, there is no one in the door. Feng Qining once said that if you have nothing to do, you should go out. You can earn extra money by yourself, but don't reveal your identity, so the outsiders don't know it at all.

If it wasn't for a special period, there would be no one in the door, but after that time, Yan Chen would let at least ten people stay in the door.

"Do you not believe me?"

Seeing that Ruowu didn't speak, Liu Yi was a little sad. She still didn't want to tell him these things, did she think he couldn't believe it?

"It's not that I can't trust you, it's that I can't tell you these things, unless you are someone in the door, even if you are the emperor, you don't know very well." [

They all knew the rules, so they didn't ask too much. Feng Qining had once issued an order that the court should not take care of the affairs of the court. Naturally, the court should not take care of the court.

In the past few years, the killer sect has become stronger and stronger, and there is no shortage of people in the martial arts who want to eradicate it. After a few major moves, no one dared to speak that way again.

Liu Yi's eyes dimmed. After all, she still couldn't trust him.

"If you are really good for me, then don't ask. Knowing those things is not good for you at all, you know?"

Ruowu was a little irritable, why did he not understand when she explained to him?If she could tell him this, she would have said it long ago, but she couldn't.

"Well, you don't have to be embarrassed. If you don't want to say it, don't say it. But after we get married, can you stop doing such dangerous things?"

He didn't want his wife to be a killer, and he didn't want to be unable to sleep at night, always worried that someone would put a sword on his neck.

"No? Then what should I do? Continue to be my courtesan? Or just be a housewife?"

She doesn't think there's anything wrong with doing this job, it's quite free, the young master gives her enough time, and besides, she is the head of the sect, unless the young master personally orders, otherwise she can do what she wants, and if she doesn't want to, who can do it? Force her?

"You can open the escort agency with me. We will be together when the time comes, do you think it's okay?"

Ruowu frowned, isn't this the same as the bodyguard that the young master said?She doesn't like this, she has to show her face all day.

"No, I'm going to do that, I like to do that."

Liu Yi stared, like being a killer?Who would like that?Did he hear correctly?

"I don't care, anyway, after getting married, you just follow me obediently, you can't go anywhere"

"Then I won't marry you."

Throwing down these words, Ruo Wu covered her face and left, while Liu Yi sat on the ground decadently.

How could she say that?Doesn't she know how hurtful that sentence is?

Hearing voices outside, Feng Qining went out and saw Liu Yi sitting there alone, Ruo Wu didn't know where she went.

"What's the matter with you? Did you quarrel?" [

It must have been a fight, right?Feng Qining looked around, Ruo Wu was indeed not here.

"Niang Niang"

Liu Yi sat on the ground decadently, with his head down.

"What happened? Can you tell me?"

Liu Yi hesitated to speak, then sighed for a long time, and finally told Feng Qining the whole thing.

"Your Majesty, what do you think I did wrong? I just don't want her to show my face like that."

Liu Yi looked at Feng Qining innocently, Feng Qining raised her eyebrows.

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