"But if you let her escort you with you, then you have to show your face. From what you said, I really can't hear that you mean to keep her from showing her face."

It might sound harsh, but that's what she heard.

"Also, you despise her identity as a killer, why don't you think about it, except for that layer, she is still someone close to Bengong, if Bengong doesn't want to, she can't marry you either"

Even before she got married, he just pointed her fingers at her, how could the people around her be so easy to bully?

Seeing Feng Qining's angry face, Liu Yi lowered his head, but his back was straightened, like a silent moan. [

"Why? Dissatisfied? Then tell me what I said wrong"

"Marry a husband and obey a husband. Since she wants to marry me, she will do whatever I do. If she doesn't even love what I do, how can she say she loves me? And I actually want to She doesn't do anything, but she says she doesn't like that life"

Just because she didn't like it, he didn't force her anymore, but being a killer is not a long-term solution. If there are too many enemies, they will come to her sooner or later. Does she want to bet her life?

"It's dangerous for you to send darts. Since both are dangerous, why can't you let her do what she likes?"

The sonorous and forceful voice startled Liu Yi, and seeing how frightened he was by her, Feng Qining also felt that she was too excited.Take a deep breath to suppress the anger.

"To tell you the truth, I originally wanted Fang Ruowu to leave, but if you look like this, I won't let her go. If you still want her, then you should accept her like this, otherwise you should go find someone else."

After leaving such a sentence, Feng Qining flung her sleeves and left, while Liu Yi still knelt on the ground.

He didn't know how long he had been kneeling, but when he felt that he was going to be unbearable, a pair of shoes embroidered with gold silk appeared in front of his eyes. Looking up, he was wearing a moon-white robe. Chu that face.

"Get up, no matter how long you kneel here, she won't come back"

This she refers not only to Feng Qining, but also to Ruowu. Ruowu was trained by Feng Qining. He is like this now, how could she come back?

"It's you, what's the matter with you?"

Liu Yi stood up. After kneeling for too long, he was about to kneel down again before he stood up. Fortunately, Yichu caught him in time.

"Why are you doing this?"

Since he loves her, why doesn't he love her all?

"What do you know? If she does that job forever, I won't be able to sleep well all day. I don't understand. Being a killer is really so good?"

Don't others want to be that?Why does she like it so much?He didn't understand, what good is that?Making money on the edge of a knife will cause accidents sooner or later.

"It's not a question of whether it's good or not, but that the Killer Gate was created by Ning'er. She and her brothers guarded it together. It was her hard work."

The Killer Gate is to her what the Escort Bureau is to him, as much as he values ​​the Escort Bureau left by his father, she values ​​the Killer Gate as much.

"Also, you shouldn't contradict Ning'er. With her help, you'll be better off. Without her to help you talk, your path will be very difficult!"

Yichu patted him on the shoulder, he might as well do it for himself.

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