"Xiaobai, who are you calling fierce?"

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived, and Mei Sha appeared in front of Feng Bai angrily. /first/post www>

"Uh, Mei, why are you here? Didn't you go to have a beauty sleep in the middle of the night?"

Feng Bai put his hands behind his back, and kept yelling in his heart, this is really tragic, he didn't meet anyone, but he happened to meet her, this is really tragic.

"Originally I was asleep, but I didn't expect to hear someone's call, so I appeared!" [

call?When did he call her?He obviously prayed that she would not show up, absolutely not, why did she still show up?

"What? Looking at you, it seems that you don't welcome me very much"

"No, no, we two have a good understanding, I don't know how happy I am"

Feng Bai hid his hands a little tighter, sweat dripped from his forehead, didn't she want to take a beauty sleep?Go back quickly, go back quickly.

"What's behind your hand?"

Mei Sha walked into him, Feng Bai turned sideways, avoiding her eyes, secretly, constantly seeking Yi Chu's help.

He needs someone to help now, he won't die without saving him, right?

"Nothing? Then you quickly stretch out your hand"

Feng Bai stretched out his hand, there was nothing, the other one was still hidden behind, Mei Sha grabbed it, and he hid the wine in the other hand.

"You hold out both hands"

"It's really nothing, you see it's so late, you'd better go back to take a beauty sleep, don't worry about me, I'll go back after a short walk"

Feng Bai wanted to send her away, but Meisha's eyes flashed, thinking that it would be so easy to send her away like this.

"Let me see what you're hiding"

Meisha came up behind him suddenly, seeing the wine behind him, there was a coldness in his eyes.

"That's right, you actually drink behind my back, you're so daring!"

"No, it's him"

Feng Bai put the blame on Yichu: "He asked me to drink, hehe, you know, it's not good to refuse others"

"Keep these words to lie to others, I won't care about you in the future, you can drink as much as you like"

Meisha left angrily, Feng Bai looked at the wine in his hand, threw it casually, and ran behind Meisha: "Mei, wait for me, wait for me"

Yichu firmly caught the wine that Feng Bai dropped, looked at the wine, shook his head, it was right to kill people, drinking too much of this wine would be misleading.

Liu Yi tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, so he came to Ruowu's door. He raised his hand, put it down, raised it again, and put it down again.

In the end, he still hesitated, her anger must not have subsided, she must be very angry with herself, it is better to wait until her anger subsides before going.

Liu Yi turned around and bumped into a person head-on, Liu Yi caught her steadily.

"It's you?"

Liu Yi was surprised when he saw that it was Meisha. She didn't sleep in the middle of the night, so why did she run out?

"Let go of her quickly"

Seeing Liu Yi hugging Meisha, Feng Bai didn't let go for a long time, and finally couldn't help it anymore.

"Mei, how are you? Are you all right?"

Feng Bai looked at her nervously, and Mei Sha shook his hand vigorously: "Don't worry about it, you'd better go drink your bar"

Pushing Feng Bai away forcefully, Meisha flicked her sleeves and left.

"Uh, did you fight?"

Liu Yi looked at Mei Sha's angry back, she must be angry.

"You don't have to worry about it, just take care of your Ruowu."

Feng Bai passed him and was about to leave, but his next sentence made him stop, Liu Yi said: "I also quarreled with her."

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