In the yard, Liu Yi and Feng Bai were drinking wine, and the two were back to back.

"It's been so long, I still don't know your name."

He heard others call him Xiaobai. As for the last name, he really didn't know.

"Wind White"

The wine bottle in Liu Yi's hand fell to the ground like that, making a crisp sound, Feng Bai didn't seem to feel his surprise, and was still drinking on his own. [

"You... what did you say your name was?"

Liu Yi felt that it was necessary for him to ask clearly. There was no one with the surname Feng here, only the royal family of the Feng Kingdom had this surname.

"Feng Bai, don't be surprised. With Feng Qining and Murong Li here, why are you surprised?"

I don't know if he is slow or what, those people have called him Xiaobai for so long, and they are going to Fengguo, why can't he guess that he is Fengbai?

"I'm stupid"

Liu Yi laughed at himself, looking at his empty hands, he was about to stand up, and Feng Bai handed him another glass of wine from behind.

"Why go so fast? Keep drinking with me"

"It's better to obey than to respect"

Liu Yi is also not restrained, regardless of whether he is the emperor or not, now they are all people who are at a loss for love.

"Isn't Fenghuang from Playing Flowers? Unexpectedly, there will be a day when it will be settled."

"That's all in the past, why mention it?"

Feng Bai laughed at himself, before meeting Meisha, he felt that such a day would never end, so he never thought of ending it.

He married countless concubines, and was lucky with a different woman every day.Such a day is envied by all men in the world, but he finds it annoying.

He could see the purpose of those women too clearly, they used all their tricks, just to please him, and finally climbed to that position.

Strange to say, he never expected his beloved to show up, but he still left the queen's position vacant. He didn't want to give it to any of them. He thought, this must be some kind of arrangement.

That position is destined to be reserved for Meisha.

"Hey, you said you have so many women, why did you just fall in love with that one? If you fell in love with a more ordinary one, then you wouldn't have the troubles you have today"

He seemed to be saying this sentence to Feng Bai or himself.

"Love is never something you can control if you want to. When it comes, even if you resist, it will still come" [

Feng Bai took another sip of the wine, he was choked by the spirits because he drank too hastily.

Who said wine can cure sorrow?Who says drunk can relieve worry?He drank so much, why can he still remember those annoying things so clearly?

“This wine is not good at all”

Feng Bai threw the wine bottle aside heavily, he stood up staggeringly, Liu Yi wanted to support him, but unexpectedly Feng Bai put the weight of his whole body on him.


Liu Yi fell to the ground, and he didn't know whether Feng Bai was really drunk or pretended to be drunk, but he was lying on Liu Yi's body and couldn't get up.


Liu Yi pushed him, unexpectedly he fell asleep like that, Liu Yi had a bitter face, didn't he?So he can fall asleep too?What should he do?Just being held down by him all night?

Zong Zhengxuan's room was closest to the courtyard, and Liu Yi's shout woke him up.

"Who doesn't sleep in the middle of the night?"

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