Zong Zhengxuan opened the door, and saw Feng Bai and Liu Yi both fell on the ground, Feng Bai fell on Liu Yi's body, Liu Yi kept pushing Feng Bai on his body, he seemed to want to refuse Still welcome.

"You guys are doing this kind of thing here in the middle of the night? Even if you want to do it, you should go farther away! There are so many people around here, you are not afraid of waking them up."

Zong Zhengxuan yawned, it seemed that he was sleepy, but in fact he didn't know how sober he was, he could see the movements of the two of them clearly.

"Hey, don't just gossip over there, he's drunk, help me get him up quickly"

Zongzhengxuan watched gloatingly, and had no intention of doing anything at all: "I'm sleepy, I don't want to bother with you, and I just do things when I'm drunk, you can do whatever you want" [

After leaving such an ambiguous sentence, Zong Zhengxuan left without looking back. Liu Yi had the urge to trample him to death. What, who are these people?No matter how you say Xiaobai is the emperor.

Not the emperor but also their partner, how could he have the heart to leave him here?

At this moment, Liu Yi is complaining that every day is not working, and that the ground is not responding.

"Is it true that God wants to kill me?"

Liu Yi looked up at the sky, there was no moon or stars in the sky, it was pitch black, a gust of cold wind blew from time to time, and the screams of unknown birds rang in his ears.

Liu Yi was so frightened that he closed his eyes, and the next second, his body lightened, and Feng Bai seemed to be caught by someone.

"Ghost, ghost"

Meisha sealed Liu Yi's mouth with her foot: "If you call me again, I will throw you out."

The familiar voice made Liu Yi open his eyes, and he was relieved to see the face of Meisha.

"It turned out to be you. You came just in time. Xiaobai is drunk. Hurry up and get him back!"

Meisha glanced at Liu Yi, and led Feng Bai back without saying anything.

Liu Yi sat up and patted his chest. What kind of look was that?Like a knife, if she looked at it twice, he would probably die.

Meisha took Feng Bailing back and threw him on the ground.

"Mei, Mei, don't be angry, I won't drink anymore"

Feng Bai grabbed Mei Sha's foot, rubbing his face continuously, Mei Sha kicked him, but he didn't kick him away.

"Xiaobai, let go"

Mei Sha knelt down and grabbed his hand, unexpectedly, his grip became tighter and tighter, Mei Sha had no choice but to pinch his hand hard.

Feng Bai, who was in pain, finally opened his eyes slightly: "Who, who is so bold to hurt me?"

"Xiaobai, wake up" [

Mei Sha patted his face, Feng Bai grabbed her hand, seeing that it was Mei Sha, he had a happy face.

"Mei, it's you, I know, you won't ignore me"

He struggled to get up, and hugged Meisha tightly, Meisha was helpless, she wanted to push him away, but he hugged her even tighter.

"Xiaobai, you are drunk, don't make trouble, let me go quickly, I will fetch a basin of water to wash your face"

Mei Sha said very gently, it is rare to see her with such a gentle side.

"Are you my Mei? Why is it different from usual?"

Feng Bai let her go, looked at her with drunken eyes, Meisha stood up, unexpectedly his big hand grabbed her, Meisha couldn't stand still and fell into his arms.

Feng Bai smelled her body, that familiar smell made a smile appear on his face.

"Yes, you are my charm, you are my charm"

Feng Bai hung on her like a koala.

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