"Okay, stop barking, stay here obediently, and I'll get you face wash"

Meisha pushed him aside forcefully, Feng Bai fell to the ground, still shouting Meisha's name.

"What kind of wine do you say you are going to drink properly? Do you want me to serve you when you are drunk?"

Mei Sha helped Feng Bai wipe his face, Feng Bai smiled, and he leaned on Mei Sha enjoying himself.

"Mei, can you forgive me, okay, I, I really won't be drunk anymore" [

Meisha threw the handkerchief on his face: "You're lying to me, aren't you?"

Feng Bai fell to the ground, and Mei Sha kicked him twice: "Don't play dead for me, get up, get up for me"

No matter how she kicked, Feng Bai didn't get up.Didn't he lie to himself?Mei Sha was puzzled, she observed him carefully again, but found no trace of lying.

"I really owe you"

She sighed, lowered her body resignedly, Feng Bai seemed to be asleep, and let Mei Sha do whatever she wanted on her face.

Mei Sha helped Feng Bai wipe his face, and she threw the handkerchief on him angrily.

"What am I doing? I'm going to serve him when he's drunk? Wouldn't he have a next time?"

Mei Sha was walking around the house restlessly, she didn't serve him, so why leave him here like this?Isn't that great?

"What am I supposed to do?"

Meisha scratched her head in agitation.


She had an idea in her mind, wasn't her military advisor Feng Sha?Now that she has encountered a problem, of course she asked Feng Sha for help.

No matter what time it is, Meisha opens Fengsha's door and rushes in: "Feng, get up quickly, I need your help."

Feng Qining was sleeping soundly in Murongli's arms, she never thought that Meisha would come to call her at this time.

"Why did you break in like this?"

Murong Li glared at her, does this woman understand what it means not to see evil?He was with Feng, why did she come in without knocking?Fortunately, they didn't do anything now, otherwise wouldn't it be miserable?

"What? I can't come in at this time?"

Love to kill and look at the sky?Looking at them suspiciously: "At this time, you won't have the energy to do that. Even if you do, I don't mind watching live erotic palaces. Anyway, I watch a lot, and it doesn't matter if I watch it again. By the way, let me see you How about your skills, otherwise I don’t even know if Feng is unhappy with you.”

Murong Li wanted to use her own socks to gag Mei Sha's mouth, and then throw her out of the Nine Heavens. [

"Get out of here"

"I'm here to find Feng, not you, why do you let me go?"

Murong Li lifted the quilt and got up, Feng Qining grabbed his hand and got up in a daze: "Mei, why do you come to me?"

Feng Qining even regretted helping Meisha to introduce someone. She thought that after she got a man, she would focus on him and have no time to care about her. Unexpectedly, she got worse.

"Feng, I have a problem and I need your help. Help me."

"Is there anything I can't talk about tomorrow? I'm sleepy."

Feng Qi Ning lay in bed and refused to get up. If this person hadn't been flattering and murdering, she would have solved it with a single knife. This disturbing people's sleep is equivalent to murdering someone for money.

"No, I won't be able to sleep until this matter is resolved. Don't sleep, get up quickly."

Mei Sha wanted to tease Feng Sha, but Murong Li stood in front of her.

"If you want to take her away, first ask me if I agree."

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