"What did I do? How can I not remember what I did?"

He just offended Ruowu, and now she refuses to forgive him, so what does this matter have to do with him?

"I was drunk at the time, do you think you found a woman for me? You are trying to kill me!"

Feng Bai was a little excited, he dared to plot against him, if this was the imperial palace, he would have been dragged out and chopped down long ago.
"What? What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" [

Liu Yi felt that Feng Bai was crazy, and he was talking nonsense when he went out.

"I think you are either crazy or drunk, I have no time to care about you, and I ask Ruowu to forgive me"

Liu Yi passed Feng Bai and was about to leave, how could Feng Bai let him do what he wanted?He twisted his arm and slammed him to the ground.

"what are you doing?"

Liu Yi clutched his waist, what wicked thing did he do?Let him treat him like this, how did he offend him?

"Tell me, did you frame me? You found that woman, right?"

Feng Bai eagerly asked Mei Sha to forgive him, except for Liu Yi who framed him, he couldn't think of anyone else. Last night, everyone was asleep, and he and he were the only two people in the yard, who else could it be?

"Can you be sober? If I want to frame you, will I use such a low-level trick? Besides, what good will it do me if I frame you? If I want to kill you, no one was there last night, I would have succeeded "

Feng Bai calmed down, thinking about Liu Yi's words made sense, now that he was not the one who framed him, who else could be besides him?

Feng Bai frowned, Liu Yi had no motive, so who would do such a boring thing?

A person suddenly appeared in Feng Bai's mind, she was the only one who could do such a boring thing.

Feng Bai went out angrily again.

"Feng Qi Ning"

Feng Bai kicked open the door of Feng Qining's room, her room was empty, only a leopard and a bird were there bored.

Seeing Feng Bai come in with a livid face, the tiger and leopard touched the red bird's feathers, the red bird waved its wings, and Feng Bai flew out like a kite with a broken string.

Who made him yell at its owner?Also, it's sleeping, he's disturbing him, damn it!

A strong wind suddenly appeared in Feng Qining's room, which frightened Xiao Er who was passing by, and he rolled down the stairs like shit.Hearing the noise, Zhang Kai opened the door, and what he saw was Xiao Er's face pale with fright.

"What happened?"

Xiao Er pointed at Feng Qining's room with trembling fingers, her teeth chattered, and she couldn't say a word for a long time. [


After saying a word, it suddenly occurred to him that this person was also with those two, maybe he was also a ghost, and the little girl fainted from fright.

Zhang Kai kicked him, but there was no response. He seemed really dizzy. He walked over curiously and found that there was no one in the room except Zhu Chiniao and Tiger Leopard. Feng Qining and Murong Li probably went to play again. up.

"It must be you who scare people."

Zhang Kai looked at Zhu Chiniao and Tiger Leopard clearly. It is a tragedy to keep these two pets, and they cannot see people.

Neither the vermilion bird nor the tiger or leopard would shake him. One closed his eyes, and the other buried his head in his feathers. It wanted to sleep, so don't bother it.

“In broad daylight, I didn’t see any birds sleeping”

Didn't the early bird catch the worm?Why is it still sleeping here?Is it a bird?

Zhu Chiniao is still acting like an ostrich, treating Zhang Kai as transparent.

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