Zhang Kai preached there for a long time, and finally stopped when the tiger and leopard opened their eyes and the scarlet bird's head protruded from its feathers. txt>

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense, you guys go on to sleep."

When he closed the door, Zhu Chiniao opened its "plantain fan" again and fanned Zhang Kai out again.

Feng Bai was fanned by Zhu Chiniao and hung on the tree, looking down, he lamented repeatedly, how bad is he now?Even a bird disliked him.

He complained and felt sorry for himself for a long time, when he was about to go down, his head went dark, and in the next second, something hit him, Feng Bai was caught off guard, just like that, he was hit by Zhang Kai, and Zhang Kai succeeded Taking his place, he successfully fell into the hot water that killed the chicken. [

"Ah..." Feng Bai clutched his butt and climbed out of the pot.

"What happened?"

Hearing the call, Xiao Er rushed in quickly, seeing Feng Bai crawling out of the pot, his eyes almost fell out of surprise.

"Guest officer, you, why did you crawl out of the pot?"

In Feng Bai's murderous eyes, the little girl had difficulty finishing this sentence.He just expressed his concern for him. Does he need to look at him like that?This man is scary enough to scare people to death.

"I like it, can't I?"

Lazily, Feng Bai came out of the pot, and then calmly walked in front of that Xiao Er, and when he walked to the side of the Xiao Er, he whispered in his ear: "What about today's matter, you Don't tell anyone, you know?"

After finishing speaking, he stuffed a piece of silver into Xiao Er's hand. In fact, he wanted to kill Xiao Er even more. Unfortunately, this is an inn, so he can't do that, and he can't kill him. his mouth.

The little boy looked at the silver with bright eyes. He couldn't get this ingot for a year's work, so he became rich now.

"I know, I know, guest officer, don't worry, I didn't see anything just now."

Feng Bai looked at the little girl's constant reassurance, was satisfied, threw the money into his hands, and walked away gracefully.

"What a weirdo, does he want to be boiled?"

When there were no more people in sight, the little girl shook her head incomprehensibly, and turned a corner. When no one was in sight, Feng Bai couldn't help but hold his butt any longer.

It hurts, he was scalded by hot water, and now his ass really blossomed.

Feng Bai made a bitter face, no, he can't just settle the debt like this, since Feng Qining's bird made it, he must get it back from Feng Qining.

Feng Bai was confused, since Zhu Chiniao dared to mess with him, he was naturally not afraid of retaliation, as for Feng Qining, no one has yet gotten a favor from her.

Zhang Kai watched all this in the dark, the pot was next to the tree, naturally, he saw everything that Feng Bai did just now.

He was thinking whether he should tell Feng Qining about this matter. Naturally, if Feng Qining knew, then everyone would know.

The sun was shining brightly, with a gentle majesty blowing across his face, Zhang Kai looked at the blue sky, and for a moment he didn't want to go down, so he lay down on the tree. [

After a while, he regretted it, because the breeze changed direction and all blew towards him, Zhang Kai jumped off the tree with his face covered in oil.

He just closed his eyes for a while, how did he become like this?Zhang Kai wiped the oil on his face.

"You, who are you?"

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