Feng Bai wailed, what kind of people were around him?In addition to being bored, I just love watching movies. Wrong, it should be because I feel too boring so I want to watch the fun. txt e-book download
Taking advantage of the time when he was wailing, Zhang Kai punched him to the ground, and Feng Bai fell heavily to the ground, he didn't get up for a while, and he didn't know if he couldn't get up or gave up and continued to persuade Zhang Kai.

Zhang Kai stepped on him, finally lowered his head, and whispered in his ear: "I forgot to tell you, I saw what happened when you fell into the frying pan just now, I was still considering whether to tell it or not , now it seems that I don’t have to think about it at all.”

Of course he wanted to talk about such a fun thing. Didn't Feng Qining say that this good thing should be shared with everyone, how could he keep it secret?

"Zhang Kai, you despicable and shameless thing"[

Feng Bai yelled frantically, Yang Yue watched and listened from a distance, from her perspective, it looked very much like Zhang Kai kissed Feng Bai just now.

I have to say that the angle is a very wonderful thing, and the same thing is different from different angles.

"Hao, does Zhang Kai fall in love with Xiaobai?"

Yang Yue grasped Zong Zhenghao's hand tightly, how could this be possible, Xiaobai was already flattered and killed, how could he win love with a sword?

"Why don't you say that Xiaobai fell in love with Zhang Kai?"

"Xiaobai's feelings for Meisha are real. How could he like Zhang Kai? It must be Zhang Kai. He was discouraged when he saw that the empress didn't like him, so he liked men instead."

Women's imaginations are amazing. A normal thing may become an abnormal thing after passing through their heads.

"You can really think"

Zong Zhenghao shuddered, it seems that Yang Yue can't let Yang Yue see too many such things in the future, otherwise she doesn't know where she will think.

"Why don't you talk? If you don't talk, you are acquiescing to my thoughts. You think that's the case, don't you?"

Yang Yue was very happy, Zong Zhenghao nodded reluctantly, can he disagree?She didn't learn anything else, but Feng Qining and Meisha's Jiaoman did.

"Say, should we tell the empress? Doesn't she care about Mei's happiness? If she knows that Zhang Kai wants to destroy Mei's happiness, she will stop it."

Yang Yue asked Zong Zhenghao for his opinion, but she didn't know when Zong Zhenghao left.

"Hey, don't go, I haven't finished talking yet"

Yang Yue chased after him, Feng Bai heard the voice, turned his head, and saw the pair he least wanted to see.

He felt that his head was a bit big. He thought that Zhang Kai was the only one who knew it, but now it seems that he is not the only one who knows it.

Feng Bai felt powerless, forget it, things have already happened, Zhang Kai decided to speak out, so what if he did more?Still can't change things.

Feng Qining and Murong Li strolled casually. It was a long time since they went shopping hand in hand with Murong Li. She went to every stall to look around and didn't buy after asking the price.

Those stall owners thought she was a big shopper, but unexpectedly, she only looked at it but didn't buy it, and she didn't look like a poor person in her clothes. Those stall owners thought she had a high vision and didn't like ordinary things, and immediately everyone turned themselves Take out all the treasures in the press box. [

Just to please this woman.

"Ma'am, come and see my pearl necklace"

Feng Qining was attracted by the luster of the necklace, the pearl necklace, she had never seen such a beautiful pearl before.

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