Pearls are very precious in modern times, and they were even more precious in ancient times. There are artificial pearls in modern times, but in ancient times they were completely natural.Remember in a second【Jingan Novels】www>

It's just that natural ones always have flaws, and she has never seen a perfect pearl. Now this string of coral pearls, each one is so plump and shiny.

"Girl, come take a look at my hairpin."

All the shopkeepers in the shop ran out.

"Shopkeeper Zhang, why don't you stay in there well, what are you doing out there?" [

Seeing that his big shop was actually competing with his small stall owner, the stall owner couldn't help it. Usually those noble ladies would go to his shop, so he was afraid that his hairpin would not be sold.

It is his kind of stall, very few people from rich families patronize, he has kept this pearl necklace for a long time, but he has not sold it, and he dare not display it, fearing that it will be confiscated by those bullies, and now it is hard to see it An honored guest, he is lucky, and even competed with him for business.

"I have a guest here, can't I recommend my good things to her? Ma'am, take a look, this hairpin is very suitable for you"

Feng Qining looked at the hairpin that was covered in emerald green.

"Do you like it? Buy everything you like"

Seeing her hesitation, Murong Li encouraged her behind her, that little money was nothing to her, why should she hesitate so much?When you see something you like, buy it.

"Okay, wrap it up for me"

Feng Qining was very generous, and those two people laughed so hard that they could only see their teeth but not their eyes. It seemed that they were not mistaken, this woman was a rich man.


Feng Qining stretched out her hand to Lan Se, Lan Se looked at her strangely, she didn't have anything for him, what did she want?

“Paid of course”

Feng Qining pushed him forward, Lan Se looked at her sadly, why did he pay for the things she bought?Isn't she rich?What does she keep so much money for?

"What? Is it so difficult to buy something for my mother?"

It's not difficult, of course it's not difficult, Lan Se kept shaking his head, Feng Qining pointed to the stall, Lan Se accepted his fate and took out the banknote.

All of a sudden, thousands of taels disappeared, and Lan Se was heartbroken.

"Mother, your vision is really good, if you don't look at it, it's the best."

That's natural, what does she buy bad things for?

Feng Qining looked at the hairpin in her hand.

"Okay, you old ghost, you don't give me money when you have money, are you planning to hide it?" [

There was a noise behind her, Feng Qining turned her head, it turned out to be the stall owner just now, and three or four big men came in front of his stall.

"The money is for your mother's medical treatment, you can't take it away"

The old man begged desperately, but he didn't expect that three or four big men would punch and kick when they went up.

"In broad daylight, something like this happened"

Feng Qining's eyes showed a murderous look, and the ribbon flew out of her sleeves, entangled the old man, and in the next second, the old man was by her side.

Those people were knocked down to the ground by force, and kept crying for their father and mother.


Seeing that it was Feng Qining, the old man quickly kowtowed.

"Don't be too polite, who are they?"

Feng Qining looked at the three or four people in ragged clothes, they looked like punks.

"I made the girl laugh, hey, that's a dog, but he's ignorant, he's been following the street fighter all day long, no, he still wants to take money from his mother's medical treatment."

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