There are such people?Feng Qining was very angry, she had seen shameless ones, but she had never seen such shameless ones.

"Who are you? Why meddle in your own business?"

The old man's son stood up, he was asking his father for money, what's the matter with them?

"I didn't want to take care of it at first, but if you say it like this, I will take care of it."

Feng Qi looked at him calmly, such a shameless person, if he doesn't teach him a lesson, he doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth. [

"This is my family's business, why do you care?"

She can go back wherever she came from. She takes care of other people's housework, and she doesn't feel too idle.

"Where there is injustice, there is me"

Feng Qining looked at him arrogantly, she just liked to worry about what to do with him.

"You are so old, as his son, you don't serve your parents, but ask your parents for money, where is your conscience?"

Murong Li couldn't help it anymore, she never expected to meet such a person when she was out shopping, where did his conscience go?

"Where does such a person have any conscience? His conscience has long been eaten by dogs"

Lancer looked at him with a sarcastic face. He had seen too many despicable and shameless villains. Such a scumbag is really rare.

"Did you know? For a scum like you, I usually get chopped up so that I won't stay in the world and pollute the air."

He needs fresh air, and this is with him, and he feels breathless and oppressed.

"Son, let's be more civilized, don't kill at every turn"

Feng Qining's words seemed to be blaming, but there was no sense of blaming in that tone, Murong Li was helpless, why should they kill people now?Are you revealing your identity?

"You, you have kind"

Hearing their cold words, that person wanted to run away, how could Feng Qining give him that chance?The ribbon was like a swimming dragon, tightly trapping that person.

"Has anyone ever told you that no one has ever escaped my ribbon"

Feng Qining looked at him with a smile, a very innocent smile, but the soles of the man's feet felt cold.

The three people at the side hurriedly felt that something was wrong, and wanted to run away, Feng Qining also caught them by the way.

"Grandpa, let's take your son back and discipline him for you. Do you have any objections?"

The old man shook his head: "Girl, just take him away, I don't have any objections to the old man."

He deserves to be damned, he has told him countless times that he would not listen to him, even if this girl hadn't arrested him today, he would have been arrested by someone else.

"Old man, I already knew that I am not your biological son"


The old man slapped the man with trembling hands, the crisp sound made the surroundings quiet, and the whole street was silent.

"From now on, I will never have a son like you"

The old man gritted his teeth and said these words. He raised him so much, and he never had a peaceful day since he was a child. He didn't know how many people complained to him when he was a child, and he never thought about not wanting his son.

Now that his mother is sick in bed and has no money for medical treatment, he wants to take this money away, how could he allow it.

"Since there is no difference between having your son and not having one, then I will treat it as if I never had your son, ma'am, you can take him away, and his life and death will have nothing to do with me from now on."

The big man turned around, he seemed to be ten years older again, Feng Qi Ning kicked over: "My son is right, you are not human, you are just a beast"

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